Today we’d like to introduce you to Chris “CJ” Matthews, II.
When C.J. Matthews was five years old, his family experienced a pregnancy loss. His mom was nearly six months pregnant when she became ill and learned that she was dilating prematurely. C.J. didn’t understand what this meant, why or how it was happening, but he was distraught to learn that the baby he had been waiting for would not be coming home after his mom’s three-day stay in the hospital. He had been so excited – kissing his mom’s belly and talking to his unborn sibling daily for months – and his dreams of being a big brother were crushed.
For weeks after his sister Karsen’s tragic delivery, his family recalls hearing CJ’s wailing in the distance. “It was so disheartening,” says his mother, Kristen Wright Matthews. “I was already in so much pain physically and emotionally, but the thought of not being able to give him the little brother or sister he wanted so badly made the pain unbearable.”
After an especially difficult conversation with C.J., his mom helped him to come up with a project that she hoped would bring him some comfort. The emotions he was feeling was loneliness and fear. He wanted his sister. He wondered where she was. He was afraid she was alone. The two came up with a way that he could pay tribute to his baby sister while helping other kids who experienced these same emotions. Blankies 4 My Buddies was born.
“Needless to say, we both needed healing and comfort,” says Kristen. Starting a program in Karsen’s memory didn’t take away the grief — but gave them a way to turn the sorrow in a positive direction.
Winter 2019 marks the 6th anniversary of C’J.’s passion project to deliver warm, cozy blankets to sick and displaced children. In 2017, he was the recipient of a Disney Be-Inspired grant and launched the 1st Annual Giving Bowl, a charitable 7-on 7 flag football game that promotes kids playing football with the purpose of helping others. During the game, children’s-themed blankets and non-perishable foods are collected. Each year, at least 50 families have been provided with food to help them through the holiday season.
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Struggles thus far have been garnering the support of the community to come out to actually watch the game and support the kids who are helping to fight the hunger battle here in Atlanta. Also, donations while substantial, have come from only a very few dedicated supporters of CJ’s project and his family’s vision and goals. We are especially thankful for the support of Fulton County Parks and Recreation who have provided a venue for the game, as well as our major sponsors, The 4LBU Foundation, and finally Here 2 Help, Inc. who donates a vast majority of the food. In the past two years, because a lot of people haven’t come out, the food has been carried out of our community for disbursement. This year, we want to feed more people right here in South Fulton and also get more of our neighbors to come out and support the mission.
Please tell us about Blankies 4 My Buddies.
Blankies 4 My Buddies is a charitable project that provides warm and cozy blankets to children who need an extra dose of comfort, mainly during the cold months. Developed by 11-year-old Chris “C.J.” Matthews after his family experienced a pregnancy loss when he was five years old, the Matthews family collects new children’s-themed blankets to distribute to sick and displaced children in hospitals, shelters, group homes, those who are homeless, etc.
I am no different than any other kid my age. I like sports, video games, hip hop, etc. I just have a passion for helping those in need. I think I inherited that from my parents and grandparents.
What were you like growing up?
I’m still growing up because I am only 11. I will be 12 on 8/27/2019. I’m an active, fun-loving, playful kid. My family says I play too much.
When I was really young, strangers would talk to me everywhere we went. They would say I had wise eyes. I loved to talk and would talk to everyone. They couldn’t believe how well I spoke and how intelligent I was. Everyone liked my personality and people would always say that I looked like a Disney kid or like I should be on Nickelodeon. I even went on some auditions when I moved here to Atlanta but never landed a gig. It was a great experience though. Helped to beat the fear of talking to strangers.
I have always liked to dance. In fact, my parents have a lot of videos of me dancing in random places. One time I won a dance contest at the halftime show of one of my dad’s semi-pro football games when I like 5 or 6. That one is really funny! You can find it on YouTube. I think that video helped me to get an agent.
I love sports and video games. I play football, soccer, and rugby. I like to draw. I like to play chess. There was a time I was really into coding and I was pretty good at it. Maybe one day I’ll get back into that. My parents say there is a future in Tech. I like Science and doing STEAM projects. My mom is always coming up with some project to do for me, and now with my little brother. I like to use my hands and make things. My great aunt Joyce always said I was going to be an engineer. My dad encourages that too, but I am interested in Marine Biology.
My favorite subject in school is Social Studies. I have always loved talking about history with my dad and grandfather. My dad makes me read a lot of history books, some I’d rather not but I do so we can discuss what I learned. Gotta love my dad!
My real dream is to be in the NFL, and to continue to be able to give back but on a larger platform.
- $50 will feed a family of 4 for Thanksgiving
- The average cost of a new, child-themed blanket is $6 to $15
Contact Info:
- Website: www.blankies4mybuddies.org
- Phone: 470-223-6031
- Email: info@blankies4mybuddies.org
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blankies4mybuddies/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Blankies4MyBuddies/
- Yelp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcrePy-5xxI&feature=youtu.be
- Other: https://www.gofundme.com/blankies4mybuddies
Image Credit:
Kim Craven can be credited to the phot of young CJ at the desk.
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