Today we’d like to introduce you to DeMariah Newsome.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I’ve always been creative and a lover of the arts; however, before photography, my first love was graphic design. I enjoyed creating graphics on my computer and bringing them to life. I designed everything from logos and invitations to t-shirts and much more. Once I began to accept clients for my graphic design work, I often found that the images they submitted to be used in their artwork were of extremely low quality. After receiving low-resolution images several times, I looked into photography. I knew that I could incorporate it into my graphic design business somehow. At that time, I already owned two Nikon CoolPix point and shoot cameras, but I knew I needed a better one. I told my mom my idea of combining graphic design and photography and she thought it was a good idea. On Christmas of 2015, she gifted me with a Canon T5 DSLR kit, and that is when my photography journey began.
One day, I was asked to take portraits for a family friend. After taking their photographs, honestly, I was not happy with the pictures AT ALL. This then inspired me to learn more about the art of photography and how I could improve my work. Let’s be real, we all thought photography was simple, just push a button and there you have a great photo; but I’ve learned it’s so much more than that! So, I began researching and studying everything about photography, then I would go out and practice what I learned. Although there were a lot of sleepless nights, I could see my work improving, which motivated me to continue! After finding my style and niche, I became comfortable enough to launch “DeMariah Newsome Photography.”
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
My photography journey has not been a smooth road, but it has not been too tough either. One of my early struggles was gaining clientele. See, I am not the most sociable person, so getting out and meeting new people was extremely nerve-wracking for me; I therefore, relied heavily on social media to gain new clients. Every time I uploaded my work, I prayed for a booking. To this day, I still get nervous when meeting new people, but I have learned that if I just treat them like friends, my anxiety diminishes. I am extremely thankful for my family and friends – those who continue to help me and push me to step out of my comfort zone every day!
Another obstacle that I have had to overcome was comparisons and self-doubt. I think almost every artist battles with this at some point in their career. In the beginning stages of becoming an artist, all you do is compare your work to that of others! After doing that for a while, you begin to question yourself and your work, which often leads to self-doubt. You begin to feel as if you will never reach their expertise level, but you cannot expect to be great overnight. The people you admire were once beginners too. To overcome self-doubt, I kept my focus on my business and did not pay so much attention on the competition; simply stated, I kept telling myself, just “DO YOU!” Also, I’ve learned that praying and surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people, will help you get through those rough phases in order for you to achieve your career goals.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
DeMariah Newsome Photography is based in the South Georgia area, and specializes in, but is not limited to, creative, family, maternity, child, and glamour portraiture. I pride myself on making my clients feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera. Once a client looks and feels their best, that’s when their confidence boosts and they find their inner model. What sets me apart from other photographers is ME! I believe that my passion, persistence, and professionalism, catch the attention of new potential clients. I would say that I am most known for my photo-retouching skills; that is what my work gets complimented on the most. If you follow me on social media, you’ll likely see speed-edit videos, and before and after images of my work; I receive a lot of positive feedback from my followers on this, and they regularly ask for more posts, similar to these.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.dnewsomephotography.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/dnewsomephotography
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/dnewsomephotography
Image Credits
DeMariah Newsome Photography