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Meet Dianna Torres of Paradox Image Co in Sandy Springs

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dianna Torres.

Dianna, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
My name is Dianna Stephanie Torres. I am 37 years old and am of Dominican Puerto Rican descent. I am a mother to a wonderful 18-year-old Georgia State University student. I am a retail executive manager by day and an image consultant/closet organizer by night. I had the opportunity to move to ATL from my hometown of AC, NJ, in 2010 with the company I then worked for True Religion Brand Jeans. True Religion brought forth many opportunities and introduced me to many people who formed the beginning of my business. There is a true need in ATL not only for celebrities or high profile artists but for everyday business people to have image consultants. There is an array of services you are able to offer and there are many other professionals you are able to network and partner with. For example, my next venture I am working on adding to my resume is closet staging for real estate agents. When I began Paradox, I did not want to focus solely on making money I wanted to ensure my business is known for giving back. I want it to be meaningful and purposeful.

During that time, I met through social media, a woman who was battling breast cancer for the fourth time. I began to support her causes and what truly attracted me to her was her sense of style. She got up and got dressed every single day, regardless of her condition. On Sundays, for the church, she would get so Regal and color-coordinated I loved it! Fast forward to her anniversary of beating breast cancer yet again! She held a benefit and since I’m in retail, I decided I would send her a box of fashion and beauty trending items to give away to another woman battling cancer. That month the Featured Style Warrior was bien. I make my friends family and coworkers get involved and donate to all of my crazy charitable ideas. At the same time, I began to get involved with other charitable organizations, two of my favorites being Princess Inc and T4Humanity Atlanta. Princess Inc is run by two of my fellow classmates back home and the work that they do is AMAZING. They came here and held Pack Your Purse Atlanta, where handbags full of toiletries were distributed throughout shelters in metro ATL. We were honored to be a part of their efforts here in ATL. I also love to partner with T4Humanity Atl and we try to do a food drive or handout event at least once a month. We have connections with the Sheperds Inn and partner with them often. Now that I work for a company that prides itself on being charitable, I am able to make donations in partnership with them and be able to service them with much larger donations. I was happy to be able to serve area missions with water and food donations during COVID19.

I consider myself a nonprofit concierge and will involve family friends and coworkers into every cause that comes to mind, LOL! In the upcoming months, I would like to partner with a few friends who have barbershops and collect professional clothing for women and men. I want to hold an interview readiness event at the local missions included with resume writing skills and hair and clothing makeovers. My biggest goal is to bring awareness to helping others becoming whole again. They deserve dignity too.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
It has definitely not been a smooth road. Although I have extensive experience in the clothing of all types, it is still a very heavily saturated market and you have to constantly prove your worth and knowledge.

Please tell us about Paradox Image Co.
What I’m most proud of as a company is a charitable work that we do. The way we make women feel who are battling something bigger than all of us. I had a recipient of the Featured Style Warrior box write and tell me that she felt like a movie star receiving all those beautiful gifts. That makes me proud, more proud than any closet we reorganize, or the person we dress. That Warrior has since passed away but I will always remember her and am grateful to have been in her life in her last months. Aside from that, I am very proud of the customer service we offer. We become family after working together.

Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?
I am Muslim and do not believe in luck. I believe that everything was already written by the decree of Allah. So whether good or bad small or big or all counts.

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Phone: 4045787274
  • Email:
  • Instagram: paradoximageco

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