Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr. Alon “Doc” Holliday. Them and their team share their story with us below:
Moving to Atlanta Dr. Holliday Established in 2019, Magnanimous World Wide which thrives on creating work that brings people together, united by the power of human connection. We harness creativity, technology, and culture to create connected brands that drive value for our clients and touch lives around the world. That Connect Passionately inventive and relentlessly curious, we strive to uncover the connection in all we do. From finding the relevance and authenticity true to a brand and its consumers to connecting to them whenever and wherever they are. Explore our award-winning work to see how we unite people across platforms, experiences and culture. This also includes creating PULLUPATL is a concert series that showcases the best musicians in Atlanta. Brought to you by Magnanimous, LLC. and Magnanimous Record Label home to several cutting-edge artists today.
His latest venture is Kryptonite North America a South African based technology company that helps equip organizations leaders and professionals the resources to transition their organizations from brick and mortar to the virtual space. Focusing on the areas of creating diversity and building leaders. With Partners such as Coca Cola, PWC, and Nestle we plan to change the world.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
There has been some obstacles. Atlanta is a wonderful place to be and to begin a new business and make connections. The rule of thumb is you have be careful who you do business with and what is their real purpose for being around you. You will meet people who really support your movement and then people who just want to be around you for your resources. And that’s of course disappointing but you keep pushing and learn from your mistakes and continue to build. I honestly feel I have gotten more in return by giving. So it’s been an incredible experience watching my team grow with me.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I say I multi-task. Life has afforded me a lot of education, LOL Something that was instilled in me at a young age and has never let me down. From Law to Social Sciences, I honestly feel like have a bit of an expertise in a lot of things. Currently, my focus has been on three major areas Music Management/ Concert production, Legal areas representing a few clients, and Technology. I am more known for Connecting Dots between people and organizations and building companies. Relationships are the glue to good business. What I am most proud of is the people I touch and have affected. Whether it’s professional or socially. I appreciate the respect and love I get from the younger people I work for. When I see my influence really help shape and change their life, “I love it”.
What sets me apart from others is simple I am me. I don’t need money or for anyone to owe me anything to do something for someone. I know God sees my work and that’s all I need. I make my own rules that bring me wealth and not in the sense of monetarily but family; they come first.
So maybe we end on discussing what matters most to you and why?
The thing that matters most to me is my family as I have mentioned But also that I leave this world in a better place than it was before I arrived, lol and the same goes for how I meet people. I want to build relationships and leave stronger and smarter from the experience. That’s important!
Contact Info:
- Email: dr.alonholliday@gmail.com
- Website: www.Magnanimousworldwide.com
- Instagram: dralonholliday
- Facebook: AlonHolliday
- Twitter: AlonHolliday
- Youtube: Magnanimous World Wide
- Other: www.Pullipatlconcertseries.com
Image Credits:
Images owned by Dr. Alon Holliday