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Meet Jessica Lewis and Ibrahim Smith of Mobu Enterprises in Macon

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jessica Lewis and Ibrahim Smith.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Jessica and Ibrahim. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
We started this company because we kept seeing many communities, not being able to recover after natural disasters occurred. As a result, we had previously had experience with using containers and thought it would be a great idea to find a new use for it. Hence, the name Mobu which stands for modular building units. Not only were we able to reuse them but their impact on earth is less. They are waterproof, windproof, and fireproof. Which means that not only can it stand up to natural disasters, but they are a great alternative to traditional construction based on its long term durability. Now, we are building residential and commercial structures in less time then it would take to build one using traditional construction methods. Typically, less than 30 days any size. These can be used for any construction project making it very versatile.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Our greatest challenges came from us being new to this green construction industry, being African-American and for me, being a female. My partner and I have over 15 years of working in construction in varying capacities. As a result, many of the challenges came from us being considered outsiders, but that soon came to an end once people realized we had extensive background with construction project management lending us the expertise to have a long tenure in this green construction space.

So let’s switch gears a bit and go into the Mobu Enterprises story. Tell us more about the business.
Mobu enterprises builds residential and commercial structures out of shipping containers. We take a traditional container that’s typically used for transportation of goods across seas and re-cycled them for residential and commercial use as a living or working space.

Our proudest moments were us being accepted in the industry as experts, which meant we were asked to speak on panels, educate others in other platforms about the use of containers for construction, and even, of course receiving our first client. The trust that has now been established within this industry is proudly accepted and humbly appreciated. Our turn around time and cost per square footage is what sets us apart. Our future Business model will allow us to build 20 houses a day as well as currently being able to build structures in less than 30 days in general. Our cost per square footage based on fully outfitted units are 30-40% less than similar average buildings in traditional construction.

Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?
We are blessed. We know that this particular assignment was meant for us. So the challenges that we face were easily eradicated and those who were once against us became our stepstools and allies. What is meant for you is for you. There is nothing that anyone can do to take that away from you. You do not have to prove yourself, you do not have to schmooze people, and more importantly, you do not have to worry about haters. That’s the great part about being phenomenally and beautifully made.

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