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Meet Joe Jennings Jr. of Blinded By Ambiton Entertainment in Southwest Atlanta

Today we’d like to introduce you to Joe Jennings Jr.

Joe, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
I was born and raised in Southwest Atlanta. I attended Morehouse College and obtained a degree in English. After college, opportunities in Atlanta for an aspiring screenwriter were uncertain, so I did what I had to do.

I was one of those that moved to L.A. with a “dollar and a dream.” I got lucky and landed a job in the mailroom at CBS. A year after, I was working as a Production Assistant on TV shows such as: “Californication,” “So You Think You Can Dance” and “Jericho.” I did that for 9 years before I met my production partner, Sean Freelon, who also was a screenwriter. We decided to quit being P.A.’s and start our own company.

In 2013, I fell on hard times. Our screenplays weren’t going anywhere, and our self-produced feature film couldn’t land distribution. I was working Part-Time at a Parcel Delivery Company and various temp jobs to make ends meet. When the work dried up, I had to move back to Atlanta and start all over again. A tree fell on my mother’s house and nearly destroyed it. Months later, I lost my older brother. I was defeated and penniless. I lived at home with my mother and was stuck in a dead-end job. I was out of the film business altogether.

Soon thereafter, I had a surge of creativity.

In 2017, I wrote “A Leg Up,” a story about a father that teaches his son how to avoid the obstacles most black men in America have to face. Right on its heels, I wrote “Change,” a film about a mother and her daughter who have a dangerous night at the laundromat. I produced the two films and sent them to festivals with no real expectations.

28 Official Selections & 8 awards later, my films have been screened and won awards internationally. And we’re in pre-production for the new film, “ISFJ,” which will be my first comedy film. We’re hoping it will make an impact.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
No. Not at all. We’ve been “one phone call away” from getting our features made TWICE. We’ve been rejected countless times by management companies, agencies, competitions & festivals (screenwriting & film), family & friends. Girlfriends. You name it. People have constantly let us down while pretending to support us.

But over time, you get tougher.

To finance my films, I’ve given blood, taken out credit loans as well as ask for donations from strangers. But somehow, it always gets done. You learn to count on yourself and be resourceful.

Blinded By Ambiton Entertainment – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
We’re essentially a screenwriting duo (Sean Freelon & Myself). We started out writing feature-length screenplays but now we write and produce for all mediums. Sean is an award-winning screenwriter and has written more than a dozen features. I’ve written a few, but most produce and write short films.

Blinded By Ambition goes beyond any single genre. Whether it’s drama, comedy or a sports documentary, we have content that reaches both ends of the spectrum.

What is “success” or “successful” for you?
Success is freedom. Success is making a living doing what you love, what’s true to you. But you have to fight for it. You have to learn to take criticism and make it constructive (if it already isn’t). You have to push yourself to stay motivated and productive, avoid distractions and teach yourself how to manage your time while doing away with excuses.

Once I learned that the world doesn’t owe any of us anything, I worked even harder on my dream. I stopped spending time with people who didn’t share my vision, because, who you surround yourself with can determine your level of success.

Contact Info:

  • Instagram: @joejenningsjr @bba_ent

Image Credit:

Photo Credits By Afiya Whitman, John Jackson

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