Today we’d like to introduce you to Justin Jet Miller.
Justin Jet, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
LOAD Living Out A Dream started in 2014. At the age of 21 I had a vision to change my life and the world. After high school I had no plan for the future dropping out of college three times and going through several jobs. I hit rock bottom slipping into depression I started to think there was no way out but I knew it was more to life. My mom sent me down and told me it was time to make a change. A mind shift took place at the age of 21. I started to work out more listening to motivational speakers like ET and Les Brown and I changed all my friends. I was on my way to a new lifestyle after two weeks of speaking my dreams into existence LOAD was birthed. Law was created to motivate encourage inspire the world to live their dreams. I started to speak at schools events in collaborating on a mini fashion shows.I started to speak at schools events and collaborating on with the fashion shows. load was off to a great start in in the first few months I sold 80 shirts and I knew then that I found my purpose and passion in life and that was to speak and design clothes. It took a lot of faith commitment and dedication to start living my dreams but five years later I’m still here.
Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It’s definitely been a journey but I believe struggle is good for us because it tests you to see how bad you really want it. I can’t remember my first lesson and that was “sacrifice” I had to buy my mom a car at 20 years old. I was staying in Ohio at the time with my dad and my mom called saying she needs a car and I gave her all my money that I worked so hard to save. I have overcome job loss, homelessness, and losing all of my profits, but I still stand because of God and I learned that I had to go through it so I can grow from it.
Alright – so let’s talk business. Tell us about LOAD LivingOutADream – what should we know?
Load is a motivational company on a mission to inspire and encourage people all over the world to leave their dreams. The company delivers its message through videos, mixtape, quotes, speeches, and clothes. We specialize in helping people turn their dreams into reality with the resources that we have as a company. We are known for motivation, positivity and inspiration. Helping people change their lives by changing their minds. God blessed me with a new mine and I knew that was the purpose of loud to help change peoples lives so they could start living their dreams. We are most proud of as a company is how we have had such a huge impact on so many people. We get people all the time saying load has helped them by finding the purpose and passion in life and living it. Many testimonies on how the content we put out his help someone keep going even when they wanted to quit.
Is there a characteristic or quality that you feel is essential to success?
My faith my passion and my commitment to live my dream has made me successful to this day. The passion I have for serving other people is unmatched. My drive keeps me going even when I want to quit. It takes a lot to be a successful business owner but with God all things are possible.
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Instagram: load_lifestyle, _jettlee
- Facebook: Jet miller
Image Credit:
John Cox
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