Today we’d like to introduce you to LaLa Inuti Ahari.
Thanks for sharing your story with us LaLa. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
My story with spirituality began before I was even aware of my full potential. However, my journey to The Conjure started with a spiritual awakening, and a very difficult one. Years ago I began learning more about my ability to quickly manifest the things that I desired. It became too easy, almost 2nd nature for me. I knew that something about it was bigger than me. It wasn’t until I took this gift and started helping others with it, that I exploded online. I started my page on Instagram in April 2018, and immediately built a large following of thousands. During this time, I created a special method to immediately gain results for the clients I would help (with various things, love, job, spiritual help). Soul Purge was created. Soul Purge is a cleansing method that removed negative energy from you immediately, no matter where you were in this world. It is a powerful method and began to spearhead my practice. I then renamed that page to Soul Purge, to give it its own spotlight and created a separate page called The Conjure in November of 2018. This was the beginning of a major change in my life and where I also got the nickname “The Truth” on social media. I decided to take all of my methods of manifestation, combined with my knowledge of energy transfer and put it all in a collection of candles. On January 11, 2019 my website theconjure.com launched. in Feb I made 40K in revenue from this business alone, and was amazed at the amount of support I immediately had. By April of 2019 I was up to 80K a month in revenue, but unfortunately still working out of the kitchen in my house and outgrowing it tremendously. I called on my Mother and other family members to help me get orders out 2-3 times a week. They were open and willing to help and are a big reason for the sustainability of this business even today. In May of 2019 The Conjure had moved to an actual location to fully operate, and I had 4 family members working for me daily. This was a vital move, because now with the room to grow, I could offer more candles and expand my line. In July 2019 Eriss was created by myself which included the help from the father of my youngest daughter and my fiance. Eriss is a collection of body souffles that have the same ability to manifest desires, you wear its power vs lighting a candle. Eriss was an immediate success and continues to explode in sales to this day. At the time, because of the way my sales were quickly climbing, I decided to set a goal for myself of 1 million in total sales by the end of 2019. By September sales were consistently over 100K a month. By November they were 300k a month. By 12/20/2019 I had not only reached my goal, but smashed it at 1.5 million in sales in less than a year. With now a full staff of 14, consisting of ALL very dedicated family members, a successful YouTube reality series (The Conjure Family) with over 200K views, and now a 7,000 square feet space we are about to move into to continue to expand and grow I am confident The Conjure will continue to awaken and inspire. My mission was to bring awareness through my products, so people know that you don’t have to get dragged by life you can control your own reality. The Conjure has customers and fans all over the world that are raving about the difference its made in their lives. The beautiful part about this is, I have just gotten started.
Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
It has not been a smooth road, but it has not been a difficult one either. I practice what I teach, so when things get a bit difficult, I remember that I am in control, and most importantly I remember to take time for myself. One struggle were the amount of sales I got during Black Friday. It was definitely a record day of 851 sales. It put a huge drag on my shipping times, and put me 2 weeks behind on shipping. This was exciting but very difficult to manage. I will absolutely make sure I am better prepared next year. Another struggle, is the amount of emails and messages that come with helping so many people. It is very time consuming and can get overwhelming.
The Conjure – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
I am a conjurer and Hoodoo Practitioner. I specialize in rapid manifestation, and I am known for bringing immediate results through my products and methods. I am most proud of helping people with their individual lives all over the world. I am also proud to be the voice of those still in the “broom closet”. I am known for my controversial views on African spirituality, and non-traditional views on initiation. I am known for bringing awareness to it for others so that they can take their birthright and use it to manifest.
I am proud that my ancestors gave me the courage to come out and be this voice. This is what sets me apart. A lot of online practitioners want self gratification. I truly want to spread the knowledge and bring more awareness to our traditions. I want people to know not to be afraid of your ancestors. Embrace your own traditions that were maliciously ripped from your ancestors and intentionally hidden from you in an effort to control you and keep you powerless. I want people to know African spirituality is beautiful and it will change your life. I want them to know its there and waiting for you. It has been tugging at your heart, embrace it. What also sets me apart is the fact that I do not put myself in a box for the sake of religion. I combine different methods of manifestation and energy transfer into my products. I refuse to study one thing, be one thing or be categorized as one thing for the sake of appealing to the comfort zones of others. I do not walk around with bones, carrying a broomstick, wearing all black, in a head wrap all day. I am myself, if you seen me in the store I would probably be wearing a t-shirt and jeans with my sister locs in a ponytail. I am true to myself.
We always love to ask about the support network – have there been people, perhaps mentors or advisors, who have played a big role in your success?
My ancestors have given me so much guidance. I am extremely thankful for this and would first like to take this time to honor them. My family has been a big deal in my ability to sustain the growth of the The Conjure. They work through weekends, have come in on holidays, and continue to have my back through the success and the struggles. Not everyone can say this about their family, but I have been seriously blessed by genuinely amazing family. I could not be more proud to call The Conjure a family business. One of the key people I would have to shine the spotlight on is my Mother. She has road every roller coaster with me in this life no matter how hard the ride. She has been supportive, anyone with the weight I carry needs this. It means a lot and most importantly, I don’t take it for granted. Another person I’ll shed light on is my partner in Eriss, my fiance. I do this not because of Eriss, but because he is a big part of my replenish. When I am done giving all my energy to the world, he reminds me to rest and recharge and his loving spirit gives back to me in a way that I can do that. I also get it back, when I look at my daughters growing up taking their birthright and owning their positions in this life/world. Seeing my grand daughters laugh and grow. I’m rewarded in payments of joy and true, raw love. The kind that most only experience once or twice…I have it around me daily.
Contact Info:
- Website: http://theconjure.com/shop
- Email: lala@theconjure.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/conjuredhoodoo/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theconjure1/
- Other: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgIOC1EbAwvmvf4gnrbb3kA
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