Today we’d like to introduce you to Lisa Engle.
Lisa, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
For me, having children has brought some of my most beautiful, painful, empowering, humbling, life-giving and debilitating experiences. I still learn from my children daily and the truths of who I am, as well as who I am becoming, can largely be credited to the inspiration they give by calling me to be true to my authentic design… to experience, express and share it. I recognize that me being in integrity, healthy, optimal and well looks different as I experience the different seasons of mothering and life.
The process leading me to my current role and the creation of OptiMOM Coaching started by becoming a mom very young, navigating the challenges that comes with parenthood, holding a leadership position in a chiropractic clinic for 28 years (that I now co-own), and volunteering in a leadership capacity for the support of parents to become healthier role-models and advocates for their children.
I began attaining my certification as a Wellness Coach for what I thought was simply a formality, adding credentials to my position at work. Quickly (very quickly), it was clear that the pump has been primed over the last few decades for the birth of OptiMOM Coaching. This training has offered a beautiful frame, proven efficacy, and reliable model to work with.
As a volunteer Moms Group leader for over a decade, walking along women as they navigate the varying stages of motherhood, and now with my Health Coach certification, I am thrilled to be making myself available in a professional coaching company with a very personal touch. My involvement in many systems, organizations, and bodies of people over the years has allowed me to participate, facilitate and be witness to beautiful and healthy growth. Sharing a space and facilitating restoration health and integrity to people is a responsibility I hold with great care. Working with people to develop, through intention and attention, an expression of their Design, is humbling, an honor and brings me great joy.
As you can imagine, my empathy can cover a wide range of circumstances that women may be facing. I have been:
-the young mom
-the old mom
-the new mom
-the working full-time mom
-the stay at home mom
-single mom
-married mom divorced and re-married mom
-the PTA mom
-the sports mom
-the Moms Group mom
-the college graduation and wedding planning mom and so many other descriptions we could add (but would make my website even more text heavy than it is).
To be clear, my experience isn’t the focus of the work, it is only shared when used for the client. 90% of session time is the client answering questions that lead them to THEIR solutions. My job is to ask the right questions and sprinkle wise reflection over the picture they are creating for themselves.
Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Gratefully, I’ve maintained a relatively healthy perspective. Struggle is perspective.
There have certainly been challenges. For instance; a startup with zero capitol, zero experience in starting a new company, unexpected obstacles and interruptions to my focus such as kids school and activity needs, caring for my mother and grieving when she passed, Add to the picture a challenge of maintaining a level of attention to the clinic I now co-own and have worked in for nearly 3 decades.
OptiMOM Coaching – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
I am most widely known for showing up with Peace. Maintaining my passion, dedication, and commitment to supporting the expression of potential. I inspire patients and clients to stay the course for THEIR part of the work required to see the change they desire. With nearly 3 decades of service in chiropractic, it’s easy to communicate the value of wisdom within.
My experience has been used to create a safe, effective, and reflective coaching model for mothers without the judgment, comparison, and crippling overwhelm that often inhibits change for families.
Having 5 kids, ages 10 – 33, I “speak mother” fluently so the majority of my clients are moms. At some point in the picture, there is a division of OptiMOM Coaching that will be OptiMOM Dads and OptiMOM kids.
Part of the time with clients is spent identifying, recognizing, using and building strengths and skills. The experiences of daily life are re-framed to root into a clients values resulting in more lasting changes. As challenges and obstacles present, we work through them; learning new tools and choices that can change experiences so those moments are useful fuel. The new experiences are then leveraged as building blocks toward what a client desires to be experiencing. Perceptions can be re-framed so that they steer toward a more optimal life.
What is “success” or “successful” for you?
Great question because that changes as I do. Currently, responsibility for my impact and sphere of influence would be a major part of that definition.
For me, “staying the course” with my innate potential is critical. There are many aspects of success (financial, physical, emotional, relational, etc.) and to maintain a true finger on the pulse of all aspects of my well-being is tricky.
I have a part of Grace and patience for the processes involved in all the areas so success is a relative term. I feel quite successful if I’m doing my best and giving attention, energy, and time to the areas that matter to me.
- Even a Single Session can create incredible impact on an individuals future – $120
- Packages are available: 3 sessions (usually over 1 month) – $300
- Packages are available: 10 sessions (usually over 3 month) – $900
Contact Info:
- Website: www.optiMOMcoaching.com
- Phone: 4043199032
- Email: info@optiMOMcoaching.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrslisaengle/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/optiMOMcoaching/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/lisaengle
- Other: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Optimomcoaching
Getting in touch: VoyageATL is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.