Today we’d like to introduce you to Miguel Juarez.
Hi Miguel, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
I feel like an alien most of the time. I am a perpetual quitter. However, my friends always say I’m horrible at it. I am where I am today because I am consistently taking huge leaps of faith and quitting. Instead of the traditional route of learning by preparation, gaining credentials, then applying for a position, I would always take a job, do the job (or mess it up), and learn to get better along the way. Trusting the process rather than putting all the trust in myself or others allows me to enjoy a freedom and fluidity in life and my endeavors. I started life as an extremely shy kid in The Philippines who couldn’t speak in public and cried at every school performance. I was afraid to try anything, insecure about everything, and anxious of anything that could possibly happen. I consider myself then and now as a coward. As I grew older, I learned to take leaps of faith, which seem to work most of the time. Then after it works too well, I get scared and quit. It’s a never-ending cycle of proactively making mistakes so I can address them and learn right away. The key is to not take anything too seriously until you find that one thing you actually want to take seriously (in my case, music) and go all in. I now make a living as musician. I am also a US army veteran, have had the opportunity to travel around the world, and now live with my wife and five children. Although I try my best not to, I can still be shy, afraid, insecure, and anxious.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
For an alien such as myself, the road has not been smooth at all. Some smooth moments have come and gone in a blink of an eye, but the road itself has been quite bumpy. In my short time on this planet, I have moved from school to school, job to job, city to city, country to country and still feel lost and unwanted wherever I end up. I am always happy to come home at the end of the day, but even my family looks at me weirdly from time to time. They love me for who I am though, that’s why they’re family. People understand products, most are unable to comprehend visions, which I seem to have in abundance. I like to make grand plans and take leaps to execute them. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t. It’s worth it every time just for the fun of trying. I must have been performing close to a decade and practicing every day for twice that before anyone even paid attention or started listening. After failing 99 times and finally succeeding once, the most annoying compliment someone can give you is “Wow, you’re so talented. I wish I was too” or “I was going to but instead I….”
We’re all given our set of cards in life. Some people have great cards to start with, and it does us no good just wishing we had better ones. Life has never been fair, and it will never be. You just have to keep playing your hand over and over until you know exactly what your cards are good for because they ARE good cards. YOU have good cards.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I write, record, perform, coordinate, and sometimes teach music. Most of my work is as a guitarist and session musician. I perform solo or with various artists, bands, corporate groups, and church services throughout the southeast. I am probably most known for being an endorsed Pulse Artist for PRS Guitars for the past 3 years and for my guitar work with hiphop artists such as Fredo Bang, Yungeen Ace, Lil Poppa, and Wallei The Sensei. I have written, recorded, and released more than 100 original songs as a solo artist (Miguel Juarez), or with my bands Bolera (jazz), The Movemeant Band (soul), ATM (hiphop), and karne (Filipino rock). I am most proud of the fact that I am able to play music with and for musicians, I respect and consider my friends. I am blessed to be able to provide for my family and thankful for a community, both local and online that is loving and supportive.
What sets me apart from others is that I actively try to not be set apart. I do my best to include others and collaborate with others and minimize my name and footprint in every project and creative endeavor. My goal has always been to raise the community and bring awareness to the people and struggles. At the end of the day, I am just happy to contribute. If my name gets mentioned along the way, hopefully it’s to help the cause. I refuse to take full credit for any work, regardless of what may appear to be my contribution. I am just an instrument trying to be as open and conducive as I can be.
Any advice for finding a mentor or networking in general?
One word of wisdom: Listen. This weighs twice if you’re a musician. Listen to your heart, but also listen to advice. When you’re faced with the same lesson over and over, it doesn’t mean that the universe is conspiring against you. It just means you haven’t learned it yet. You learn by watching, listening, and doing. Listen to others and imitate what you like. Give credit to those who appreciate and expect it because some people live for this stuff. Find out what people appreciate. If it’s within your power and doesn’t require herculean effort, give it to them quickly so you’re not wasting each other’s time. You can both go back to doing your work or what you love. I wholeheartedly believe that everyone eventually gets and does exactly what they expect and ask for in life. You just have to listen.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://migueljuarezmusic.com/
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/migueljuarezmusic
- Facebook: https://facebook.com/migueljuarezmusic
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/migjuarezmusic
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/migueljuarezmusic
- SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/migueljuarezmusic
- Other: https://linktr.ee/migueljuarezmusic
Image Credits
PRS Guitars GHS Strings Cordial Cables Steve Clayton Guitar Picks 89 Photography Street Talk with Loretta Rose Columbus Jazz Society Jiujitsu Columbus Acceptance Health Services Breezin’ Entertainment