Today we’d like to introduce you to Nicholas Morgan.
Nicholas, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
Well, I do want to start off by saying my artist name is oNE Nuke. I was initially born in Augusta, Georgia, but I moved to the metro-Atlanta area when I was in first grade. Growing up, I always had an interest in music, I was always involved in anything that pertained music whether it was church, performances, and even at home studios as my way of getting a better understanding of what music really meant to me. In my childhood, I always hung out with a couple of friends at a friend’s at home studio in his basement; listening to beats for fun and making mediocre music. I haven’t really found my passion for music until I was in high school when I recorded my first song with two other friends. A couple of weeks later, I started doing performances all around the Atlanta area promoting that one song and trying to build my image up as an “artist.” Having the chance to perform at several events as an upcoming artist helped me in not just getting on the mic and telling my story to a crowd of people, or going to an event just to turn up, but this also helped me develop better marketing and networking skills along the way. Music was everything to me at this point.
While in college, I began taking my craft a little more seriously and actually started making investments here and there I always live by the saying, “You gotta spend money to make money.” From that point on, I’ve worked with several producers and engineers trying to find my significant sound for music. The first single I released was called “Runnin up a check.” I remember going from performing at talent shows in school, to performing at events or club venues. I literally remember my first performance like it was yesterday, and that was when I realized that doing music was possibly my calling. Around this time, I also released several other projects that weren’t really my best work, but I used those as a way to develop and learn what works best for me when continuing doing music in the future.
After releasing so many projects, along came the name “oNE” which stands for “Over Nearly Everyone.” This was kind of a family-oriented music group, and when I say family I’m referring to a couple of close friends putting together a group with different styles and tastes for music. I’d never knew I would gain such a strong passion for music until I met other people who had a similar interest in music as I did.
I could honestly say the turning point in my life was when I lost my grandad in 2017. The bond we shared was more like a father-son bond growing up and losing him was the reason why I began to view life a lot differently than I had before. 2018 was the year I released my first official debut project labeled “How I’m Comin’. This was the project that sort of launched my music career and also when people started to see how serious I was about hopefully pursuing a music career. At the moment, I noticed that eventually I will find a signature sound that best fits me for my style of music. That following year I released a single known as “Patience” and then a couple of months later released another project labeled “Locked & Loaded.” Before releasing this project, I said to myself, “I have a strong feeling that this project will most definitely change my life” in which it did. I knew instantly that I remaining focused and consistent was all it took to land me in the position that I am in today.
Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I can’t say my journey was a smooth one because we all know life overall wasn’t easy for anyone. Nothing in life is easy though, especially with the mindset I had growing up. There has been several times where I wanted to give up on school and music but I always kept in mind that nothing really comes overnight. To name a few challenges, I would say not having dedication or the patience in perfecting your niche or craft. I learned that you have to work for whatever you want in life and always trust the process no matter how hard life gets. Yes, along this journey I have lost a couple of friendships or relationships along the way but hey, God will either keep or remove people in your life but it is up to you on how well you can take on the different challenges or obstacles he sends your way.
Can you give our readers some background on your music?
I am an artist and I can most definitely say I enjoy making music. I’m known for being the person that always loves going out being on the scene and turning up regardless of where I’m at. I was always the friend with the most energy I would say. The only thing I would say I am most proud of is seeing the growth of me not only being a better artist but as well as a better person overall. Over the years, I’ve seen a drastic change mentally and spiritually. Who knew I would be the one out of the family to not only pursue getting a degree but as well as pursue a music career on the side. What I would say sets me apart from others is having a humble and genuine mindset through even the toughest times in life, because some obstacles are a lot tougher for some people who have a hard time handling. I support any and everybody regardless of what they do because I love seeing everybody winning and reaching their goals for success.
What moment in your career do you look back most fondly on?
Making the progress in life you were looking forward to ever since you first started what you enjoy doing. Everyone knows by now it’s not always how you start the race, it’s all about how you end it. Having the opportunity to do a lot of things like traveling the world, accomplishing set goals, or even making progress always meant to me that you are moving one step closer to success each step you take, and it also makes you more appreciative of every blessing God may send your way. I am most proud of being in the position I am in today because giving up was never an option; especially with knowing the huge support system, I have that’s behind me.
Contact Info:
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- Phone: 678-862-6198
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Image Credit:
Shot By Uptown, Stro Shots Photography, GMA Shots, Rych Visuals, Anencio Mariani,
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