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Meet Ramon Andrews

Today we’d like to introduce you to Ramon Andrews.

Every artist has a unique story. Can you briefly walk us through yours?
I wouldn’t necessarily call my story “unique” per se, but I am 21 years old, and I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I’ve lived with my mom for pretty much all of my life and moved down to Georgia when I was about ten years old. I graduated from Peachtree Ridge High School in 2015; it wasn’t until my junior year in high school when I started dancing and realized that I wanted to dance for a living. I danced for literally half of the day in high school my junior and senior year plus dancing at a studio outside of school, so my training was pretty intense my first two years of dancing. Once I graduated high school I had plans to go to college for dance out of state, but they never worked out, so I stopped dancing for two because I never knew about open classes in the city and in my head I thought I needed to dance in college to make a career out it which is nowhere near true. In October 2017, I got referred to a company by my good friend Erin Burch, and ever since then I’ve been training nonstop in Atlanta in different styles and with teachers who push me to be the best version of myself.

Please tell us about your art.
My art is my way of movement when I dance. When I started dancing, I found a passion for freestyling/improv and I would lock myself in my room and just dance randomly for hours, and I honestly didn’t even know what I was doing it felt good to just be moving to music that I enjoyed listening to. My strongest styles are Hip Hop and Contemporary, and I love to incorporate the two which makes my movement sort of fluid and wavey. Whenever I want to create something to a song I have to just play the song and move to it at least a couple of times just to see what kind of vibe I get from it, so nothing seems forced, or trying to move in a way that isn’t like me, I definitely hope that people feel inspired and motivated whenever they watch me dance, I love to see people especially dancers remember why they dance and push them to keep going for what they want in their career.

As an artist, how do you define success and what quality or characteristic do you feel is essential to success as an artist?
I think for me personally, two things that I need for success are to push and motivate myself. Success can mean different things for everyone. I find success in mostly goals that I set for myself either long term, short term, or even for a dance class that I’m taking. Mainly for classes that I take when I know I usually don’t do well in, I try to push myself even harder to do better than the last class I had then when I actually do better it helps me motivate myself because I know I’m better then I think I am and I just have to believe in myself.

How or where can people see your work? How can people support your work?
As far as my own work I do not have any out right now besides videos of me in class on Instagram. One of my goals for 2019 is to definitely start doing my own concept videos of my choreo, that is one thing I am working on right now.

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Gabby Fenimore, Aeisha Philips, Daquan Williams, Rachel Bullard

Getting in touch: VoyageATL is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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