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Meet Sa Jules

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sa Jules.

Sa, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
It all started when I was a little girl and my mother actually looked at me and said I’d be a star someday and be successful. She sent me to an art school and there is where I learned how to do so many things that included but not limited to acting, dance, poetry, how to make things such as production sets, various arts and crafts projects which turned into making products for the hair and skin.

The stage is my therapy and it’s where I get to be whoever I want to be as well as tell my story to those who might not otherwise get to know me. I am open and very candid when I am performing on stage with my poetry. I love to put my life in poetic format and invite people in to experience Sa Jules the person. It’s really the only way I can open up and for people to get to know who I really am because I stay to myself when I am off stage.

When I am cast in a film or a play, I take great pleasure in bringing that character to life. I try to find roles that will challenge me to dig deep and travel outside of my comfort zone. This is something my mother saw in me when I was a little girl.

When I am making my hair and skin products, it calms me. Purple Royale started with me finding that lotions found in the store were becoming more and more expensive and watered down at the same time. I decided to research and come up with something that would moisturize my skin and last all day or at least most of the day. I posted a picture of what I had made with no intentions of it becoming a business. People commented and started buying and that is how Purple Royale was born. Making products with love and knowing they are good for people because I only use all natural ingredients(no harmful chemicals) just helps me rest easy. There are so many products out there that are just bad for you that we as people have been using for years and I like knowing I am doing my part to help bring that to an end.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
The road has definitely NOT been smooth. People seem to think that owning your own business makes you instantly successful and rich. I have endured a lot of long days and nights, long hours, severed relationships, the spirit of giving up, uncertainty and just not knowing if I could go on.

I’ve cried, screamed and even thrown things. The people you think will support you, just DON’T. The sales you think will be there aren’t. The booking you think is coming actually fall through.

I’ve gone through loss, trauma, breakups, and abuse. I’ve tried to keep up with the Jones’ and go the route that others told me I should take instead of following my heart. All of these things weigh on you and make you want to give up and let go.

In the end, the love and passion you have for what you do never goes away regardless of how foggy your vision may get at times. You have to stay the course and remember why you started on this journey to begin with.

We’d love to hear more about your business.
I have two businesses at the present time. One business is for me as an entertainer. I write and perform poetry. I am also an actress and do some motivational speaking at different events as well. In these moments when I am performing spoken word or acting it takes me out of my own personal life and allows me to open up and connect with people on a completely different level. My poetry comes straight from my heart and life experiences. If you hear me say it on stage, it happened to me or to someone close to me. I believe in speaking truth in order to connect with those that are listening because you never know who you may touch with your words.

To be honest artistry in all forms intrigues me. I want to be a well-rounded artist. I have always been able to naturally mimic others and that’s all acting really is. Being able to step outside of yourself and become someone else. Acting gives me a moment to step into another world and get a different experience to be it bad, good or indifferent.

I am known in my city for spoken word so I suppose that is my specialty. I have been asked to be a part of several different recording projects over the past couple of years as well as part of some of the biggest events in my city. I travel with doing this poetry and I love every minute of it. Acting has recently landed me a role in a feature film, several different web series one of which I am the main character. Theatre is a great love of mine and so I have been cast in several different plays over the years and have even written a couple myself. In 2017, I wrote a short film and play which both combined my love of poetry and acting. The film entitled Never Too Late to Live and Leave was based on a true story and is about a young lady with the gift of poetry trapped in a relationship with a spouse who is abusive and controlling. The which in entitle Purpose is about a young lady who loves to sing and wants to become a famous singer but she really cannot sing and finds her love of poetry.

I am most proud of my companies because there are no limits. That is the greatest thing about being creative. You can create and incorporate and as long as the creation is authentic and organic, people will respect it and support.

What sets me apart from so many is because everything I do comes straight from my heart in its purest form. My products whether it be my poetry, acting or my hair/skin products are of quality, authentic and natural.

What was you like growing up?
Growing up, I was a Tom Boy. I was the girl jumping fences, doing backflips, and racing down the street. I was also in dance classes, theatre classes, poetry competitions. I didn’t play with barbies or dress girly at all. I loved playing sports that included basketball, softball, soccer, tennis, and volleyball. I dabbled in archery as well. Very adventurous and outgoing is what I really was. I wasn’t afraid of anything and accepted all challenges that came my way. At the same time, I spent a lot of time alone. I knew I was always a little different from the guys and way different from the girls. I had dreams of how I would grow up and be successful and had no desire of working for anyone because I was and still am such a free spirit.


  • My spoken word performance fees start at $150 and go up
  • My speaking engagement fees start at $250 and go up
  • My acting fees start at $300 and go up
  • My Purple Royale Collection range from $1-$12

Contact Info:

Image Credit:

Shagraphy, Anthony Page, Offseason Rocky

Getting in touch: VoyageATL is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

1 Comment

  1. JB

    June 20, 2019 at 5:22 pm

    When you experiment this woman and her art, you will see she’s a Force of Nature. Captivating to behold and a wonder to watch. 👍🏾

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