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Meet Shreya Patel of Flut’r by Shreya

Today we’d like to introduce you to Shreya Patel.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Shreya. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
From a very young age, I have always loved sewing. I used to help my grandma in any way I could from the age of five. As the years went on, I started altering and modifying my own clothes by hand and I fell in love with the idea that I could customize any article of clothing for myself. I began my college years as a science major but I knew my heart just was not in it as far as having a career in science.

I love design and fashion far too much and a few years ago, I decided to finally take the first step. I went out and bought a sewing machine; the learning curve was tough nut once I became familiar with my machine. I knew the possibilities were endless. Upon completion of my first design, I remember the feeling running through me seeing this beautiful finished formal dress that I made! I was so in awe, and I just could not wait to see what else I could create.

I spent last fall creating my winter line which is a beautiful collection of sequin and velvet formal dresses, which then concluded in a fashion show at the Masquerade Atlanta on December 20, 2019, as part of the Holiday RAWk presented by RAW Artists Atl. Seeing for myself that I was able to pull all the details required for a show together has been an incredible driving force. Since partaking in the show, I have been more determined and motivated than ever. I have had the opportunity to meet several other artists and creative beings and I am so thrilled to see what the future holds.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
One of the biggest challenges for me has been really be able to advertise and expand my company. I love networking and meeting new people, and I have struggled with growing my platform. I feel that there’s so much value in what I do in being a designer that primarily creates all one of a kind designs, and I want more people to know that I am here to help!

Please tell us about Flut’r by Shreya.
Flut’r by Shreya is a Fashion Company that specializes in custom made designs each being one of a kind! I hand make each design myself and if requested, I can also do a fitting upon purchase of each design! I also enjoy repurposing older designs for clients; I have had the pleasure of turning older dresses into fresh new looks.

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Viva Bradley, Imani Brown, Corrine Wright, Cana Newbern, Rhamaia Taylor, Anastasia Maslova

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