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Meet Stacy Emeri Watson of The Emeri Agency (Farmers Insurance) in Conyers

Today we’d like to introduce you to Stacy Emeri Watson.

Stacy, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
Funny enough, I had considered going into the insurance industry about a year before I was contacted by Farmers Insurance, but after going through the interview process with one of our competitors and shadowing one of their “successful” agents, I was told that I would not have much success in this industry as I was a single mother without any experience or support to be able to commit the time to learn this business. All I can say today is shame on her for those lies because clearly, the Lord said otherwise!

A year later, I was contacted by a recruiter from Farmers Insurance. I was going through a transition in my life… physically, mentally and spiritually. Growing up in Los Angeles, CA, I was very familiar with Farmers Insurance, but there weren’t any offices here in Georgia. She explained that they were going through an Eastern Expansion and were recruiting a group of agents to open the market here. I decided to come in to meet with her face to face and took part in a panel interview with two other women. While sitting in the interview, hearing the expectations and learning about this commitment, I became nervous and said a silent prayer. I asked the Lord to make it VERY clear if this was an opportunity that I should take advantage of. And in bold letters, I saw the letters Y.E.S! I moved forward with the interview process, wrote a business plan and enrolled in the necessary classes to obtain my licenses within the next six weeks.

Trust me, this was no easy task! I was working a very full-time schedule during the holiday season in a retail store, in the process of closing on a new home while our previous loan fell apart during the week of Thanksgiving, staying in hotels with my then 8-year-old son for six weeks, and studying like crazy. But let me just be a witness and tell you, God’s grace is sufficient! I stepped away from the comfort of my good paying, great benefit, secure job and branched out to become an entrepreneur… it was one of the best decisions of my life.

I have met some extraordinary people throughout this process, traveled and learned from very successful and influential people in my industry, built a solid and successful agency, and created a better life for myself and my family… I couldn’t be more thankful at this point in my life!

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
I wouldn’t say it’s been a smooth road, but it has been one that I’ve been able to navigate through faith, perseverance, and humility. The insurance industry is a male dominated industry, which means I didn’t see many people like myself in leadership positions or at the top of this industry. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t any black women making a name for themselves in this industry, it just means that we definitely aren’t the majority. I have to admit that I was slightly intimidated when I first came into this industry. I was a single mother without any prior experience, born and raised in South Central L.A. by a single mother from Central America, and completely oblivious to what was in store for me.

Initially, I struggled with the reality that I no longer had a comfortable job with benefits and the direction of managers to guide my way. I no longer had the steady paycheck I could count on to pay the bills and have just enough left to take me and my son to the movies and out to dinner. There were no more benefits and employee perks. I ate what I killed… plain and simple. And I was committed to working my tail off day and night to be able to provide a stable and consistent lifestyle for my son.

Then, there was the challenge of having to commute an hour and a half each way from Conyers to Alpharetta to work and attend training while I was learning this business. Anyone living in Atlanta understands that dealing with rush hour traffic on 285 and 400 is a beast in itself! But in hindsight, it was great because it gave me the opportunity to listen to great audiobooks, the Bible, and lectures during my commute.

I remember early on in my career being surprised when attending meetings, conferences, workshops, etc. and being one of only three or four women in the room. This still happens today, but it doesn’t surprise me anymore, LOL! I had to learn to navigate through the crowd, not as a woman, but as a successful and knowledgeable professional that deserved to be in that room like everyone else. I had to remind myself that not only did I have the designations, awards, and recognition to prove it, but I had the favor of God over my life which meant the sky is the limit for me! Programming your mind for success is constant and detrimental work. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or not, the enemy has a way of attacking your mind, health, finances, etc. and you have to be armed and ready to fight to win the battle. Even as I have grown in business, I still lean on family, friends, and colleagues for the support, and sometimes a downright wake up and shake up to get me back on the right track, maybe more so now than ever before. Healthy relationships and mentors/coaches have proven themselves to be invaluable to me.

So let’s switch gears a bit and go into The Emeri Agency (Farmers Insurance) story. Tell us more about it.
We’re one of Georgia’s top Farmers Insurance agencies. We specialize in property & casualty insurance, life & health insurance, and financial services. When describing my agency I tell others that insurance may seem like it comes “a dime a dozen”, but I don’t. My staff and I are committed to providing world-class service and truly treat our customers/clients like our own family. We take pride in not only selling insurance policies but most importantly, educating our customers/clients, empowering them to make better and more informed decisions in regards to not only protecting their personal possessions but most importantly, decisions that impact those individuals that are most important to them. There’s such a large picture in the world of insurance and financial services, and we don’t take our responsibility to consistently serve our clients/customers and community at the highest level. I’m very proud of our team, our accomplishments over the last six years and truly excited about the direction in which our agency is moving… onward and upward by the grace of God!

Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?
Luck isn’t a factor in my business… God’s grace and favor is. I don’t believe in luck. My team and I are on one accord in regards to our acknowledgment and reverence of Him. We seek him not only in our personal lives but also our professional lives. As I reflect on my life, I am amazed and humbled by the blessings of God. There were times when I could not see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I knew that the light still existed. There were times I felt defeated, exhausted and inadequate, but God’s grace and mercy were always present and sufficient. On a daily basis, I ask Him to bless and establish the work of my hands and to order my steps. My purpose is not just to create a comfortable life for myself or my family, but it is to be a vessel of God… to be light and inspiration to others… to be a transformer of mindsets and circumstances. And this business is just one of many vehicles the Lord has orchestrated in order for me to fulfill THAT divine purpose.

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Image Credit:
Tailiah Breon

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