Today we’d like to introduce you to Chaneya Joyner.
So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
I was born in Miami, Florida but moved to Georgia in 2005. I was involved in all things musical throughout school, including a girls choir formally known as the Georgia Regional Girls Choir and currently named The Greater Atlanta Girls Choir. Through music in school and that choir that leads me to go to the University of West Georgia where I got my Bachelors degree in Music with a concentration in Vocal Performance. In college, I joined a sorority, Sigma Kappa where my closet became a revolving door. I always got questions about what I was wearing, where was it from and that I should start a blog. It took me some years to work up the courage but in January 2017, I started, “The Savvy Singer Blog.” It was nothing incredible but it was my little baby. I did as much research as I could on how to start a blog; How to buy a domain? What editing style looks best? How do you even pick a name? I put myself out there not thinking anyone but my close family and friends would read it and I was okay with that. The more blog views I received, the more exciting it was because I felt like people were actually hearing what I had to say and I had a place where I could share all of my favorite items and where I got them on sale. I’ve been given the opportunity to attend some awesome events and have met some incredible women along the way, so for that, I am thankful!
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
I think one of the biggest things I realized with blogging is that there aren’t many people who look like me. I saw hundreds of blonde blue-eyed girls but not that many that were women of color. I think that was something I kind of already knew going into blogging, but once you really commit yourself, take a step back and observe you truly see how things are. I never let that stop me from doing things I love putting myself out there. I think this hurdle just pushes me to work harder and not let it get in my way. I encourage any woman starting out on this journey is to just be yourself. There are SO MANY women that are out there doing the same things, but there’s only one YOU! That will make you stand out and get you noticed. Try to ignore what everyone else is doing and just focus on your goals for yourself and what you want to accomplish! “Comparison is the thief of all joy.”
Please tell us more about your work, what you are currently focused on and most proud of.
I am a fashion and lifestyle blogger. I share all of my favorite pieces of clothing all while showing you how to style them, where I got them and if they’re on sale. I think one of the biggest things I love is when someone says they’ve tried a new product or gotten a new piece of clothing that I recommended; it’s showing that they trust my judgment and what I’m saying. I’m just a normal person like anyone else who is also shopping on a budget. I realize the average person isn’t going to go out and spend $200 on ONE sweater, so I love sharing looks for less and items that are just as good of quality without breaking the bank. I’m proud to say that I never share products or anything for that matter if I haven’t already used it myself and love it! I value respect more than a couple extra dollars in my bank account. I know EVERYONE says that but it’s so true.
Which women have inspired you in your life?
I think the woman that has been the biggest inspiration in my life would have to be my mom. She was a single mom for a long time and I watched her work hard for everything that we had growing up. She never complained and did what she had to do to provide. I think what always stands out is getting the chance to see her walk to get her college degree. That’s constantly reminded me to work hard for everything I want, so when it came time for me to graduate college my cap said, “Thanks, Mom!”
Contact Info:
- Website: www.savvysinger.com
- Email: savvysingerblog@gmail.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/chaneyajoyner
Image Credit:
Credit to my little brother.
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