Today we’d like to introduce you to Joanne Cohen.
Joanne, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
Even as a child, I sensed there was always more to life than the words people said and things I could see with my eyes. Over the years, these feelings became more pronounced along with the inner voice that had been with me since my earliest memory.
I assumed that inner voice which was like a combination of best friend and a loving guide was God talking to me. That was the only answer my child’s mind could come up with!
Over the years, my senses grew stronger as I began to put together that there was the text of life and the subtext. The seen and the unseen. I also had an understanding of energy, souls and unconditional love also from an early age and this all developed and intensified as I moved into my 40’s.
I had been living in London for many years and as I was going through some changes in my personal life, all my inner senses began to open up as if to guide me louder and louder. I didn’t always listen, but I began to have a conscious connection with this inner voice with the messages about life, my life, other people, the future and the past were coming to me in dreams and popping into my mind just when I needed them!
I had always felt I had a connection with those who had crossed over and felt that I could communicate with them, although this was not something I ever discussed with anyone for many years.
Once I divorced and landed in Atlanta, almost from the moment I arrived, my intuitive side became the most important thing in my world. I couldn’t ignore it and this sense that I needed to learn about myself, grow and repair myself first and then help others became my personal mantra.
All of this would happen through meditation, putting into action what I had learned through my inner senses and being open to all possibilities.
I taught myself to meditate and found a book about energy and it was like a door to a new world was unlocking for me.
Forgiveness, gratitude, and compassion seemed to flow through me when I was connected to that part of myself, and I was guided to live this way and adjust my life accordingly.
This new way of being… feeling anchored by love and compassion, being open to higher perspective expanded as I honed my intuitive skills. Receiving images in my mind sensing what others were thinking became normal for me.
Somehow I knew that it was time to do something with these skills. Like I was being prepared for something.
At that time in my life, I decided to try and offer intuitive sessions for friends to see if it could be beneficial for people. I seemed to be able to share insights that came to me in a loving but direct way which helped create clarity for people.
This life does not come with instructions! There are many ways to offer support for others along the way. All I knew was that it seemed to help people and at the same time, my own awareness grew every day.
Many years ago, I attended a psychic fair and the person who was giving me the reading looked at me and said I was ready to share my gifts with others, and what was I waiting for?
Up until then, I had been a classically trained singer, singing professionally, teaching and conducting but knew it was time for a career change!
I began working at a metaphysical store in Atlanta, working behind the counter for minimum wage, as well as offering private sessions. When I wasn’t working in the store, I was continuing to learn and enhance my intuitive and mediumship abilities as well as studying different forms of energy and sound healing and loving this new beautiful world!
I spent four years at the store growing a loving community through teaching classes and running weekly circles. I began to teach and offer sessions in other areas of Atlanta, adding to the community I had created and staying connected through social media and monthly newsletters.
My clientele had grown over the years without any advertising and I was working 6-7 days per week.
About five years ago, I finally felt ready to work for myself offering sessions from my home. I still love creating community so I offer occasional classes at the beautiful Plum Tree Yoga in Roswell, as well as taking groups on retreats to Sedona, Arizona and going to different cities offering classes and sessions.
I now mentor other people wanting to enhance their intuitive skills and continue to learn and expand myself. This life is an interesting ride and there is always something new to learn about ourselves and the universe.
With almost everything moving online in this world, I am grateful to be able to connect with people all over the planet and since beginning this fascinating and intuitive chapter of my life I have worked with and hopefully helpfully guided thousands of people.
Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I don’t feel any road is completely smooth. We learn from pitfalls! Working with people is rewarding and also challenging. We all share so many traits just being human,
Learning to discern between what is ego-driven and what is soul/spirit/God-driven is probably the hardest thing to learn in this industry. Once our personal ego is involved in a session, it ceases to be about the client. Even though there is always something to learn and exchange during a session, to actually be the one who is the intuitive you must learn to be 100% focused on your client.
Also, learning to trust your intuition and the guidance you receive is probably the other big issue in this industry…
Alright – so let’s talk business. Tell us about your business – what should we know?
Some of this is kind of covered in the section about my journey… I offer one to one intuitive sessions or energy healing sessions.
In the course of a session, many things can occur.
Sometimes people come to me specifically for career guidance. It can be about their business, what is coming in the future or how they can move forward.
If someone has suffered a loss of a loved one, we can create some closure and healing by connecting to the energy of the deceased loved one. Sometimes it is the loss of a beloved pet. I am able to connect with animals and share the messages I receive.
For ten years, I have run an Angel Message Circle in the Roswell area. We begin our evening with gentle meditation and then I share messages I receive for everyone attending. I just love the Angels!
I have had groups of 40 and I have had groups of four!
My style is loving and compassionate but humorous and always geared towards the positive and uplifting!
So much of the media coverage is focused on the challenges facing women today, but what about the opportunities? Do you feel there are any opportunities that women are particularly well-positioned for?
Women can do everything and anything… women were born with ‘women’s intuition’ which I feel is a very real thing. That comes with an inner strength… that core of strength can endure and expand while they grow into whoever they want to be.
This world is needing that inner loving core strength right now. We have had so much of the ego-mind driven, we are in need of different approach.
Contact Info:
- Website: Joannecohenintuitive.com
- Email: joannecohen2004@gmail.com
Image Credit:
Andrew Frank
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