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Meet Virgilio Modica Jr. of Modica & Son Handymen in Woodstock

Today we’d like to introduce you to Virgilio Modica Jr.

Virgilio, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I was born in Northern NJ to Italian immigrants. My father was born and raised in very poor conditions during WWII and learned masonry skills from his father. However, because there was no work in Sicily, my father came to America in 1967 for a better life. He met my mother, who also was from Italy and they married. My sister Elizabeth was born shortly after, then me.
However, I was born profoundly deaf. My father worked very hard for a company as a mason and after learning English little by little, he finally opened up his own Construction business named Modica & Son Construction Inc. When I became a teenager, I started working for my father in the summers and learned all types of masonry skills including brickwork, block work, concrete, etc. however communication with my father was difficult so I learned everything visually. Once I finished high school at Mary Katzenbach School for the Deaf, I worked full time with my dad but we butted heads a lot so I left and started working for someone else. My sister, in the meantime, moved to Marietta, GA and I would visit her frequently. I eventually moved down in 2005 to be close to her and tried to look for a job, but no one would hire me because I was hearing impaired. After much frustration and no decent paying jobs, I decided to start my own company and called it Modica & Son Handymen, and kept the “son” to honor my dad’s business. I didn’t want to limit my business to just masonry work, and wanted customers to know that I could do all kinds of jobs big or small. However, when the recession hit in 2007, business was very slow but people still hired me for small jobs and clients were so impressed with my work, that I started getting referrals which kept my business going. I also expanded my knowledge to include building decks, screened porches, basement additions, and bathroom and kitchen remodels. As internet expanded and technology improved, so did my business. My website was able to provide a substantial portfolio for prospective clients. I also was able to communicate with clients via phone through what’s called “Video Relay” where a sign language interpreter becomes the communicator between me and the clients. This has helped tremendously in being able to communicate with my clients easier. In fact, many clients have no idea I am deaf until I meet them in person and they are surprised that I am the owner of my company. Some people are a little apprehensive at first to hire me, but once they see my portfolio, they feel they can trust that the job will be done right. Currently, I have a pretty successful small business with 3 employees and many satisfied customers.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Growing up was very difficult not being able to easily communicate with my parents since they never learned ASL (American Sign Language). My sister Elizabeth was the only one that learned sign language and because of that we have always been close. It was very difficult working with my father since he didn’t really know how to communicate with me. I learned construction by watching him. I’ve had to overcome many hurdles and obstacles being hearing impaired but I’ve always tried to keep positive. Even though there are some customers who do not hire me because of my disability, I try to concentrate on those who hire me based on my skills. Communication with customers in person can be challenging at times, but I try to use different strategies like writing, or video relay to clarify any misunderstandings. As a hearing-impaired person, you become very observant of people’s expressions and body language to understand what people are saying and once in a while, I meet someone who actually knows some sign language which is always a blessing.

So, let’s switch gears a bit and go into the Modica & Son Handymen, LLC story. Tell us more about the business.
Modica & Son Handymen, LLC is a full-service construction company. We do everything from brick work, stone work, concrete, retaining walls, decks, porches, basement finishes, kitchen and bathroom remodels. We are known for giving our clients quality work at reasonable prices. What I am most proud of is to be able to have a successful business despite my hearing disability. I am also proud to be able to give employment to other deaf people. Currently I have 2 deaf men that work for me who otherwise have had difficulty finding decent jobs. What sets me apart for others in my trade is the quality of our work. I don’t skimp on materials and I make sure that when we build something, it will last for many years. Like I mentioned before, most of my clients are referrals and I get a lot of repeat business which speaks for itself.

Who else deserves credit – have you had mentors, supporters, cheerleaders, advocates, clients or teammates that have played a big role in your success or the success of the business? If so –who are they and what role did they plan / how did they help.
When I first started my company, there was no “video relay” for the hearing impaired so I was not able to communicate with my customers directly by phone. From about 2006 to about 2011, my sister Elizabeth assisted me by answering the phone when clients called, and make appointments for me to do an estimate. Then she would text me all the information regarding the customer so I had a good idea of the type of job it entailed before I arrived at their home. She also would write up proposals for my customers. Without her assistance, I would not have been able to start my business back then since the video technology was not there. Once “video relay” service started with mobile devices in 2011, I no longer had to depend on my sister to answer the phones since customers can easily communicate with me and/or leave messages through the “video relay” voice mail service.

Contact Info:

  • Address: Modica & Son Handymen, LLC
    317 Honeysuckle Terrace Woodstock, GA 30188
  • Website:
  • Phone: 404-483-4547
  • Email:
  • Facebook: modica and son handymen llc



  1. Pauline Sartuche

    May 17, 2017 at 10:37 pm

    Hello, my name is Pauline Sartuche I live in San Diego,Calif. area. I’am deaf but do sign language but need to freshen up on it since I have not been around deaf friends like I did in my hometown up north. I moved here in 2014 to be near family but my mom moved back to hometown. Now I will only have 2 sisters here since the third one ,my twin will move to Missouri with her husband . I have a little dog ,Chihuha,5 years old & she is a service dog. I’m 65 yrs old live in a senior complex. I grew up oral & can speak fairly well. Melinda ,your friend is my frien too. This is why I read your story & found that you are deaf. I have worked in the 80’s for my dad who was a contractor ( electrical).. I worked for him in the office & errand girl for 7 years until his death in 1980. Now one of my 2 brothers took over the bussiness.. I am proud of you trying to keep your bussiness going & I hope it will be a success. You are welcome to contact me if you like.

  2. Catie Anderson

    May 26, 2017 at 1:01 am

    I have used Virgilio MULTIPLE times and now my entire family does as well! His work is state of the art and his heart is pure gold. He is extremely reasonable in his prices, very talented, and trustworthy as well. I recommend him to any and everyone. Communicating isn’t a problem at all as he is extremely patient in person if you have a hard time understanding and the voice call works like magic.

  3. Gloria and Alfred Noll

    May 29, 2017 at 10:03 pm

    Your work is a top notch performance. You did really awesome job for my sidewalk for my front and backyards, also steps etc. in New Jersey. That was more almost 2 decade ago. My sidewalk still look great as it is still brand new today. Every one should hire you doing your work. Your work is really outstanding and awesome. I would love to see you receive some business awards and recognition for your work and ability to communicate well and understand what your customers want. I love your high quality work and you did great job.

  4. Diana

    June 27, 2017 at 4:56 am

    Virgilio is a talented builder! He has an eye for design and the man can do anything! His customers are extremely satisfied with his quality work. He is dependable and trustworthy and just a nice guy. Give him a call for an estimate. He is well worth it!

  5. Ann

    July 9, 2017 at 1:10 pm

    Virgilio is quite remarkable, no challenge is too big, his workmanship and work ethic are excellent, rare commodities today. He is just a great guy! I have huge respect and admiration for his determination not to let his disability prevent him from succeeding, must also complement both his Sister and his Wife for their support and belief in him, a truly good story and I am honored to be a client and hopefully a friend!

  6. Russ Moore

    July 9, 2017 at 3:40 pm

    Wow! Virgilio, is a Mastercraftsmen who uses his talent too produce your desired results. After interviewing several contractors of a variety of large to small companies, none of them addressed the root of my problem. Each person approached my problem as if it was only cosmetic. However, shorty after meeting with Virgilio, he uncovered the major reason my garage was sinking, which was do to lost of foundation. Something, that was clearly overlooked by the other contractors. Surprisingly, those that came before him, had no problems that prevented them from communicating, yet they couldn’t explain why this was happening. Fortunately, for me Virgilio explained in great detail and I hired him with no reservations. Our means of communication included hand justurs, threeway calls and listening to each other. He saved my home! Thank you!
    Hope your no to busy to come back! I am waiting for you now!!!!

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