Today we’d like to introduce you to Melanie Otero.
Hi Melanie, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
My story truly started somewhere in my early 20’s – ambitious but young and stupid with no true compass. Though I grew up with the amazing guidance from my elders – go to school, find a job, have fun – something was still missing. I knew this because during the process of doing these things, I found myself more often than not, in the trenches of my emotions, walking through my days feeling purposeless. I always felt there was some magical meaning to life that we are naturally born with and initially seek but sadly start to lose as we get older and join what many refer to as the “rat race”. So yes, my life was “reborn”, so to speak, in my 20’s when I decided to figure out the answers to the questions in my head and stopped waiting around for my life to get a hold of itself. Little did I know, this healing journey I was beginning was the tip of the iceberg of my self-awareness and the end of simply “existing” in this world. As much as I loved to learn, read and listen to podcasts – I decided I wanted to start a podcast but with a different concept. A podcast that came from the viewpoint of someone still “going through it” with the listener rather than someone who seems to have it all figured out and here’s the 1, 2, 3 ways of how I figured it out way back when hoping you can relate. Sharing this idea with a close friend who is oddly named, Mhelany and whom I happen to also share my grievances and life frustrations with- the concept stuck. Thus, Mental Pleasure coming to fruition – “your new favorite podcast, but consider it your therapeutic dose of self-awareness, mental health, a little crazy but a lot of realness”. Since I decided to open the door to this self-awareness and stopped trying to balance a “double-life”, my world has not been the same in the best ways possible. “Find yourself, develop your heart”.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Life is anything but a “smooth road”, especially if you’re doing it right! In the beginning, I would say my biggest struggle was wanting to live the “double-life” I mentioned before. There’s a point in our lives we realize what is right for our individual life and what is wrong. It’s too easy to get caught up in the “worldly things” and succumb to societal pressures but if I wanted to truly be more self-aware and actively live the teachings I was always reading about, I had to let these old ways go. For example, making the personal decision to stop consuming alcohol – it’s not for everyone, nor do I preach it to everyone, but for me and the life I seek, I had to let it go especially because I was letting something so toxic consume my life, figuratively and literally speaking. If I had these important questions in life, I had to seek the ultimate clarity if I was persistent to finding the answers.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I am the host of the podcast, Mental Pleasure. We have new episodes every Tuesday, in which we discuss daily struggles, past/current traumas, and healing – “consider it your therapeutic dose of self-awareness, mental health, a little crazy, but a lot of realness”. I wanted to create this space for not only my co-host and I to discuss our own struggles but to help relate to others from the perspective of going through it RIGHT NOW, not years ago and here’s my success story. The desire I have to help others through the Mental Pleasure podcast is what drives me daily because I have realized it has not only helped or been relatable for others but it has also helped my own soul. I am passionate about anything I set my mind to and put my values in, which is what will set me apart from others in whatever it is I decide to do. I believe as long as I keep my focus and values aligned, I will always be just fine.
Do you have any advice for those looking to network or find a mentor?
My advice is to follow what is true and feels right to you, it will lead you to finding the mentor/friend you need or the “right” decision you need to make. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or to speak up, you never know if the response is just what you needed. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”, is the best advice I could’ve followed because out of fear of rejection, I would always stay quiet in the past and miss the opportunity right in front of my nose. Learning to be vulnerable and have more empathy with others is something I’ve been working on and has proven to work well. Remember, everyone is going through this life too.
- Listening to our podcast is free!
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mymentalpleasure/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/mymentalplease
- Other: https://l.instagram.com/?u=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Fmentalpleasure&e=ATOeOnQ86VtU-cmIAbX1rQzkYdONL6BuU6UhnXq9-K8Ck333JsIsWThLpohPVk8BBjwAHdkKF9X9zUQP&s=1
Image Credits
Greg Villareal @17thvisionary