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Daily Inspiration: Meet Elizabeth Elliott

Today we’d like to introduce you to Elizabeth Elliott.

Elizabeth, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I was in the process of working on my animated series with my writing coach when the George Floyd murder was televised. I just couldn’t take it anymore. All of the murders of young Black males were just overpowering. To make matters worse, we were also in the middle of a global pandemic. My business had to shut down due to Covid (childcare provider) and I was just feeling down and out. I had been doing what I know to do best….pray. I started a small prayer group that consisted of a cousin in Canada and another in Georgia. We prayed every three hours while in lockdown We prayed for our families, the world, and especially Black men. As I began praying, God put this story on my heart. My mission was to write something that was going to put smiles back on the faces of Black children, males especially. When I called my writing coach and told her that I was writing a book she was shocked because she knew I had never written a book before. I put my mind to it and let God lead me to find the right words to say. That’s how I Am A King was born. Out of heartache, not only for my son but for all of the young Black males in the world. I remember the day when the story came to me. I remembered George Floyd laying on the ground begging for his life and being murdered in cold blood… His cries and the imagery just crushed my entire soul. Then I was quickly taken back to conversations that my son and I had at age five, he is now 25.

At age five, my darling little boy thought that being Black was bad because for the most part, he saw Black faces portrayed in the media negatively. He asked me, “Why is it that every time I see someone doing something bad on the news it’s always someone Black?” I had to explain to him that Black people weren’t the only people committing crimes. When I realized that nothing much has changed 20 years later, I was sickened. Not only were they portraying our people in a negative light but they were also getting murdered by the police right before our very eyes. Let’s be real, Black males are not shown in a positive light in the media. There aren’t any advertisements depicting Black males as doctors, dentists, lawyers or loyal dads part of a happy Black family unit. Society will have you believe that all of our children are living in broken homes and that is simply not true. I grew up in a two parent household, most of my friends are happily married and raising their kids together. I may be divorced, but my ex-husband and I co-parent our children wonderfully. According to society, if you are Black the only thing you have going for you is a jail cell, rapping, or playing some sort of organized sport. I felt as if I needed to reach the young males that were truly suffering in silence. I wanted all Black children to know that they are so much more than criminals, rappers and such. I really wanted them to realize that they are mighty, powerful and intelligent, simply due to the exquisite DNA that runs through their bodies. I honestly feel that it is worse for young Black males now than when my son was five. It truly scares me. The mere act of jogging while Black can get you killed. It is very disheartening.

I am a King was written to empower and enlighten the minds, hearts and souls of young Black males. Hearing George Floyd screams for his mother was a rallying cry for me to write something that stands up for African American men and boys so they can feel like someone cares. I felt that they needed to read something to make them feel proud to be a Black. I Am A King takes us into the home of ten year old Amari who is confused about the negative media attention that portrays African Americans as threatening. My book asserts the truth of African Americans before slavery, pointing out the miseducation of American history that is not accurately portrayed in history books. Although “The Talk” seems to be the trending topic among African American families, I Am A King goes one step beyond by teaching behavior modification tips with police that can save their lives. I Am A King elucidates the fact that the origins of African Americans go much further back than slavery. Although our greatness has been denied, it is very important to me for young Black children to know that we have contributed so much to the fiber of this country.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
The #1 obstacle is Covid-19. It has really limited the amount of marketing I can do for the book. I have limited knowledge of how this all works so not being able to go into schools and actually do a reading or book signing is kind of frustrating. I must say this, I was really never a social media type of person but with my children’s help, they set me up with Instagram and Facebook so I guess I am doing something…LOL. The challenges I face are many. Being a self-published author is its own challenge. I really don’t have the financial backing needed to give the book the catapult it needs. Also, I must find a way to balance work, a 14 year old heading to high school in the fall, and self-care. Throughout it all, I always lift up my head and know that I can do whatever I put my mind to. If my ancestors put up with all the atrocities that was done to them, I owe them to keep pushing forward and use my talents to comfort children.

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I guess I can say that I am a jack of all trades and master of none. I have been working in the childcare industry for more than ten years. I first began with a couple of children in my home while homeschooling my daughter. Then I began nannying when she went into kindergarten. I had worked in corporate America for 15 years prior and knew it wasn’t for me. The money was good but I was miserable. Now I do what I love. Educating children is my passion. I love to see their little eyes twinkle when they have learned something new or have met a new milestone. This work allows me to spend more time with my daughter, which is very important to me. When she was younger, I wouldn’t work with anyone if my daughter couldn’t come along if need be. For example, a day off of school or something like that. Luckily the families that I have worked with were very gracious and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Actually, I still speak to the parents of children I have taken care of over the years. I guess this is why this project is so important to me. I have witnessed young Black males sadness first hand. No one understands them or even bother to take the chance to. I believe in I Am A King and I know that it will bring a lot of joy to many.

Any advice for finding a mentor or networking in general?
Very difficult. I have had many great people to come into my life. More so of a spiritual nature. Not someone that knows the ins and outs of the business that is ready and willing to help. I would love to find one. I still need help with the trajectory of my animated series…LOL


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