We are thrilled to be connecting with Juwan Harris again. Juwan is a Fashion Designer and is also a content partner. Content partners help Voyage in so many ways from spreading the word about the work that we do, sponsoring our mission and collaborating with us on content like this. Check out our conversation with Juwan below.
Juwan, it’s been too long since we last connected. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with our community again. Some readers might have missed our prior conversations, so maybe you can kick things off for us with a quick intro?
Hello my name is Juwan Harris, creator and founder of TopLife Clothing. I’ve been creating and designing clothing since 2013. I started with t-shirts using transfer paper and a heat press learning on the fly to releasing my second pair of my very own sneakers dropping in August.
What are you currently working on?
Currently I’m working on sneakers. It has been a life long dream to create my own shoes. In April I was blessed to drop my very own shoe on my birthday (April 6). Paying homage to the Air Jordan brand I created the TopLife 1. My second pair will be released in August. My goal is to drop one more pair by the end of the year.
What’s the inspiration behind making sneakers?
Since I was young I always looked up to the athletes and rappers that had their own signature shoe. It meant they had the juice meaning all the girls loved him and all of the kids wanted to be like him. Whether it be Penny Hardaway, Pharrell, or Kanye West I always admired the fact that they had so much style and influence that they had their own shoe collection centered around them. I never wanted to be the biggest or the hottest I just wanted to make an impact big enough to influence a whole generation.
How has your brand evolved through the years?
My brand has evolved in many ways throughout the years along with myself. I like to say that my brand grows with me. The more I learn the more I can apply to TopLife. Over the past few years I have expanded out of the “streetwear” category to a more mature look. For example I used to be exclusively shirts, hoodies, hats, tracksuits, etc. now I’m more focused on things like custom lamps, rugs, candles, tables, coasters, and books. I also wrote my first children’s book which I’m looking to release January 2022.
What is the best advice you’ve ever gotten?
The best advice I ever got is from the late great Kobe Bryant when he said, “Fortune Favors the Fearless” meaning that there is no such thing as lucky or being lucky but if you put the work in good fortune will be the reward. Stay down, stay true to yourself, and stay consistent. Don’t do it for them do it for you. No matter what you do make sure you outwork anybody you consider competition and everybody in your desired field and as long as you get 1% better everyday you will be the best version of you and that’s all you can ask for.
Thank you so much again for sharing all of this with us. Before we go, can you share with our readers how they can connect with you, learn more or show support?
Sure, here are my social media handles:
Contact Info:
- Website: Toplifeclothing.bigcartel.com
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juwan-harris-0bb772129?trk=people-guest_people_search-card
- Twitter: @toplifeworld
Image Credits
Dwight Palmer of Dwight Palmer Photography