Today we’d like to introduce you to Kristi Mayer.
Kristi, please kick things off for us by telling us about yourself and your journey so far.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been interested in photography. Even in elementary school, every field trip or class party we had, I would beg my mom to get me a disposable camera, so I could take pictures of my friends. In high school, I was the (slightly annoying) friend everyone would rag on because I documented absolutely everything. But I think things really took off after graduation when I went on a two-week cross country road trip with my mom and best friend. I committed to shooting strictly film the entire way. I must have lost dozens of shots that way, but I think it’s what taught me to be more present and intentional with my work.
While photography was a definitive interest growing up, music was always my biggest passion. When I was younger, as well as supporting me through classical vocal training, my father was in a oldies rock cover band and taught me how to drum along to the beat of the big hits of the 70s and 80s. I was back in forth in high school about what I wanted to do in college, an even split between music and photography. It took me years of honing in on my photographic skill to reach the connection of music and photography that I immerse myself in today. It’s the industry I feel most at home in, the best of both worlds.
Can you give our readers some background on your art?
I’m a real sucker for nostalgia, it’s definitely what got me into taking photos in the first place. I like to think that I can capture the essence of a show, what it feels like to be in the pit screaming along to your favorite song. I’m always chasing that energy and trying to figure out how to portray it to the best of my ability.
To be honest, I think a lot of my creation is fairly selfish. I can’t really put into words the high I get from snapping that one great shot. When the guitar player flies into the pit right in front of you, the vocalist belts out that big note and points directly into your camera, a prism catches the light perfectly. It’s magic. It’s honest to god the best feeling I can imagine experiencing in this lifetime. Live music is so wildly powerful. I’ve been to concerts that have literally changed my life. I still have an album saved on my computer from one of those shows, way back in high school, one I shot with a cellphone before I even thought about doing this professionally. And every time I look at that album, I get to relive a little bit of that magic. It’s nice knowing that maybe my art can offer that to someone else too.
How do you think about success, as an artist, and what do quality do you feel is most helpful?
I think it’s totally different for everyone, and I’m still trying to find out what it means for me long term. I really like the idea of being able to reach a wider audience, to share what I do with the world. But at the end of the day, I feel pretty fulfilled and successful in my endeavors these days. That’s not to say that I don’t have big plans for the future! But I’m lucky enough to be as young as I am, working in a field I’m passionate about, being given opportunities I couldn’t have imagined just 2 short years ago. That feels like success to me.
What’s the best way for someone to check out your work and provide support?
I publish the large majority of my work on Instagram these days, it seems to be the platform that allows me to connect with bands, venues, and other creatives the easiest. In the age of constantly changing social media algorithms, the best thing folks can do to support me is to engage with my work online. Likes, comments, watching stories, it all goes a long way. Word of mouth never hurts either! I’m always looking to collaborate with other local artists to create something beautiful. I try to keep my prices reasonable and accessible to everyone, so if you’re in a band or have friends who are, check out my work and shoot me a message if you would be interested in working together!
Contact Info:
- Website: www.kristimayerphoto.com
- Email: kristimayerphoto@gmail.com
- Instagram: @kristimayerphoto
Image Credit:
Portrait: Sam Bentley @sammbentleyphoto
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