Today we’d like to introduce you to Dude DeVito.
Hi Dude, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
My love for music started at a very young age. Growing up, my father was a drummer in rock bands so I was always surrounded by musicians and music. I started writing songs at the age of 11 just for fun. Songwriting quickly became my release and way to vent and escape reality. My parent’s marriage was very unstable and my father was always unfaithful to my mother. At 11 years old, our house was foreclosed and we lost everything we had. That only made matters worse at home. It was a verbally abusive relationship and eventually, they separated and divorced when I was about 14. From that point on, I went into a downhill spiral. I was in and out of juvenile and group homes, I started dabbling in drugs and alcohol at a young age, committing all types of crimes which this behavior continued into my adulthood. By the time I was 23 years old, I had spent majority of my teens and early 20s locked up or in some institution. During that time, though all I did was write. I elevated my songwriting ability tremendously and would write anytime I could and for anyone. I would write poetry or raps for other inmates to send home and also write songs and letters for commissary. I found my passion and my true love during the loneliest times of my life. I didn’t start pursuing a career in the music industry until last year after working God knows how many different jobs that I absolutely hated.
I would go into depression because I felt empty and void thinking is this all my life is gonna be? Well, me and my pops somewhat mended our relationship and he asked if I wanted to come to stay with him for a bit. So I did. Well, he heard some of the music I was creating on my phone and being a drummer and a musician himself, he knew I had a gift. He bought me my first home studio set up and from there, it was history. An old friend of mine that I used to make music for fun with from back in the day reached out to me and told me he had an opportunity for me to move back to Atlanta to chase my dream. So that’s exactly what I did. He connected me with one of the best producers in the country, Mayhem whose chief engineer at Third Eye Collective and so we got to work. In my first year releasing music, I’ve been in over 128 countries, had 70,000 listeners and over 120,000 streams just on Spotify alone. I’ve performed for an A&R from Atlantic records and also was invited to perform at one love one mic which is one of the biggest indie concerts in the world. All of this happened in one year. Yes, I still have a long way to go but I’m proud of all these accomplishments and will continue to make great music until my last breath on earth.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
No, absolutely not, I’ve lost so many friends and family over the years along with drug addiction, jail, mental health issues and depression.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
So I’m a recording artist/rapper/singer/songwriter.
Songwriting is my specialty and lyrical storytelling is what I’m most known for.
I’m most proud of myself for believing in myself and not letting the outside opinions and doubt affect my decision to follow my dreams.
I think the thing that sets me apart from others as I’m authentic and I’m genuine and I’m not trying to be something I’m not. I’m flawed, scarred, and imperfect just like every human on earth, but also a confident, talented, transparent artist and creative that loves big and wants to share with the world my experiences and story in the form of kickass music.
Are there any books, apps, podcasts or blogs that help you do your best?
Yes, I have tools of the trade for sure. A great app I like to use when the creative juices aren’t flowing on a particular day is Rhymers Block. I don’t really listen to podcasts or blogs just for the mere fact that I don’t have time. Obviously, social media such as Instagram and Facebook use every day because its a key component to success for an artist.
The best resources come from the people I surround myself with their knowledge and experience.
Contact Info:
- Email: dudedevito333@gmail.com
- Website: https://linktr.ee/DudeDeVito
- Instagram: https://Instagram.com/dude_devito
- Facebook: https://facebook.com/dudedevito
- Youtube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCOTd4MDZmI0mFwvTuqCryGg
- Other: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2Fa9v6Renw0amsf2jjoOSI
Image Credits:
Mayhem Eye of Kedar Photography Thomas Forman Jr Nick Chase