Today we’d like to introduce you to Ife Adebowale. Them and their team share their story with us below:
Ife Adebowale, also known as Mama Ife or Doula Ife, is a pioneer of Holistic Certified BIPOC Birth and Postpartum Doulas in Columbus, GA. Ife has a wealth of knowledge as prior to her life-changing mission and purpose of birthwork, she was a scholar. Ife holds a B.A. in General Communication MBA in Human Resource Management, and although completed the program with a 3.69 GPA but didn’t complete her dissertation, she is an ABD-Phd candidate with studies in Organizational Leadership.
Ife began her work in 2015 when she was summoned by Dr. Ameena Ali to begin an ancestral path of birthwork. After accepting the calling and completing her studies as a certified birth and postpartum doula and birthing her 4th daughter unassisted, she began teaching birth education and attending homebirths part-time from 2016-2017. She realized the impact she was making but being consumed deeply into the matrix of a corporate career life, her passion of birthwork was put on hold.
In 2018, she lost her IT Analyst position at her 12.5 years old corporate job. Distorted, broken, and angry because her loyalty and dedication wasn’t honored, she decided that she wasn’t going back to Corporate America. Really? This is not feasible with 4 mouths to feed, is it? Determined NOT to sacrifice her time, energy, and integrity having to go find another job, she PRAYED and MEDITATED on what she had to do. Afterwards, she was releasing and journaling and she heard the ancestors say, “you have been released, now fulfill your assignment and purpose”. It was at this very moment she knew what she had to do.
Her thoughts were impregnated with purpose of making CLB exactly what she envisioned, what the ancestors laid forth for her, and what her community needed. She pours everything into CLB. Labor wasn’t easy, but CLB was rebirth in 2018. Ife has dedicated her life to educating, empowering, and aiding women with birthing the way they want.
Cherishing Life Beginnings Doula and Childbirth Services, LLC (CLB) was established in 2015 out of the necessity of:
1. Needing Holistic Cultured BIPOC Doulas available in Columbus, GA and surrounding areas
2. The need of having support for homebirths
3. Advocation of Care for BIPOC women
4. Educating BIPOC women on childbirth and Breastfeeding
5. Providing jobs and entrepreneurial training for those interested in aiding with building the village again.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Smooth road…the path has NEVER been easy but it has most definitely been rewarding. I dream BIG and with BIG dreams come grand responsibility. The biggest struggle I faced was creating a market for the work I do here. In 2015, homebirths weren’t popular so I couldn’t locate ANYONE to assist me in the city of Columbus, GA and actually had to solicit services from the Atlanta area. I wanted to change that and I did.
Another struggle I faced was figuring out how to obtain capital to build the business the way I envisioned. The ultimate goal is to create a birth center but in the meantime, I would like to build a birth resource center that would encompass all the services we currently provide and more.
The last struggle, which is ongoing and the most challenging, is the red tape of politics. Different laws and regulations are coming into place when it comes to how we can serve our community. Due to Mother Earths having more and more homebirths and these actions are taking away from BIG business, stipulations are being put in place to stop actions such as creating birth centers, in certain states, traditional midwifery is illegal (yes, GA is one of these states), and creating frameworks that will control our pay, our services, and our work.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
Ife Adebowale specializes in the following: Certified Birth and Postpartum Doula, Student Traditional Midwife, Childbirth Educator, Birth & Postpartum Doula Instructor, Womb Wellness Specialist, Basic Herbalist, Birth Guidance Coach, Birth Advocate, Breastfeeding Specialist, Yoni Stem Specialist, Birth Pool Rental Specialist, and Belly-Binding Specialist.
I have so many moments of being proud. One thing I am most proud of is the fact that I was entrusted to do this grand birthwork and assist families in the Southwest region of Georgia. To know that I am an intricate part of history, a grassroots community organization alleviating the infant and maternal mortality rates, I couldn’t be prouder. Another aspect of pride is being able to be a leader in my community by creating and providing jobs for individuals interested in birthwork. Lastly, being a student traditional midwife and learning OURStory of birthwork and actually being able to apply the knowledge and this year, catching baby 13, I am exceptionally proud of these moments.
What sets me apart in the birth business is my own personal experience that I bring. I didn’t become a birthworker for the money, it’s a trend, or attempting to find a new career, I was summoned to this work. After I conducted my own homebirths with my now ex-husband and my current fiancé with no doctors, no medical equipment, and no fear, I set out to teach women to do the same. So not only do I have the book knowledge, the hands-on skills taught by my program, but I also have the blood of the granny and grand midwife, spiritual healers, and ancestral birthworkers, but I also have my own personal experience of birthing two of my babies free/unassisted.
Are there any important lessons you’ve learned that you can share with us?
The most important lesson I’ve learned along the way which has been a hard pill to swallow is that friends and family will not always support you along the way. I’ve learned that it is important to network, join professional organizations, make acquaintance with those in your field, etc. for the support you seek.
Another lesson, NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS. I’ll never forget when I started my work as a doula. I was interviewed by several women and due to my lack of experience, “No” and “More Experience Needed” was the feedback received. I only had five births under my belt which were myself, my 3 non-clinical births for certification, and a comrade of mine, her sun was my second baby catch. I got so discouraged. I wanted to give up, tuck my tail, and go back to corporate. It was just to hard, I needed an easier route because I had to feed my children. I prayed, I cried, and at my darkest hour, when I was about to throw in the towel, I was reminded of my mission and purpose. This was enough to get me back up one more time. I received 8 No’s before I received my 1st Yes. Calendra Freeman, she is the reason for my courage, confidence, and resilience of staying true to myself and the work I set out to do. She hired me without hesitation. She was so loving and supportive. I give thanks to her and her family as she doesn’t know this, but the Most High, Ancestors and the Universe sent me to her to reassure me that he will make sure I am successful in completing the mission and goals of his work. For her and the experience, I will ALWAYS be grateful!
- Holistic Certified Birth Doula Training $700
- Holistic Certified Postpartum Doula Training $700
- Certified Doula Services $700-$1600
- Student Traditional Midwifery Services Recommended Donation $3100
Contact Info:
- Website: www.cherishinglifebeginnings.com
- Instagram: @cherishinglifebeginningsdoula
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CLBDoulaService
- Twitter: @DoulaIfe
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCFxt0ddthw2WT0zrTqeMkgg
- Yelp: https://m.yelp.com/biz/cherishing-life-beginnings-columbus