Today we’d like to introduce you to Jay Holley.
Hi Jay, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
My name is Jay Holley aka Skinnyjay, my story starts with creating my brand, “SkinnyJay & friends” where I collaborate with others through creativity. I was a striving creative from Los Angeles to Charlotte, meeting amazing creatives like myself bringing presentations of paying it forward to reality. We work together, putting each other in better positions and flouring together. SkinnyJay & friends have did collaborations with several establishments, Archive clt, Dupp & Swat, Macfly Fresh, BlkMrkt, and so many others. We can’t forget how Los Angeles has provided me through SkinnyJay & Friends opportunities helping with resources with Skid Row. Support goes a long way when it’s genuinely from the heart.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Smooth road, I would say we all go through hardships. Struggles along the way for me was for sure, confidence, not knowing where I wanted to lead myself going far. I always question my end goal of all the things under my brand SkinnyJay & Friends. I had to really take time to understand my brand and over the next five years where did I see it striving.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I’m SkinnyJay
I’m a creative who has a nonprofit called CreativityXCollaboration, under the umbrella I have created SkinnyJay & Friends where we collaborate with others through creativity.
SkinnyJay & friends is an amazing team with such versatility range of doing things. We have B Lindsay, @Shotbylindsay, lead Streetwear photographer, Dani, @Danni_snaps, lead Streetwear Photographer. Dante White @dante_productions, our lead videographer, can’t forget B Cozy, our lead graphic designer. We all specialize in bringing an experience through enjoying yourself by having a good time.
We have established a platform for supporting others all the time, anything including creativity.
My slogan as being SkinnyJay “ITS NEVER BEEN ABOUT ME, ITS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT MY FRIENDS” – Skinnyjay
I would say that what sets SkinnyJay & Friends apart is the COMMUNITY.
If you had to, what characteristic of yours would you give the most credit to?
Being true to myself.
Supporting everyone I interact with and understanding how we both grow together by collaborating with each other.
Genuinely having a big heart to see everyone win around me.
My success.Shoutout to my friends who help me strive to be bigger and better everyday. ” They say it takes a village, but when you got the community , you will always win “-Skinnyjay
Contact Info:
- Instagram: @_skinnyjay_
Image Credits
Photographer @Shotbylindsay