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Check Out Kael Vox’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Kael Vox.

Hi Kael, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Well, it’s been a process! I’m a model, turned makeup artist, turned actor, turned photographer, turned creative director, turned entrepreneur. And I still do a little of everything. I guess what I’m trying to say is- I like to do it all.

I’ve always been like that. I like to do and explore so many different things and sides of myself, I don’t think I could ever be happy just settling down with one thing.

I appreciate anything artistic- Whether it be behind or in front of the scenes; on a canvas or in a studio…Pretty much give me a medium and see what happens.

I am, as they would call it, “A Creative”.

I also run my own business with two partners (a clothing boutique) and run my own blog.

The last two years during the pandemic, I have really evolved. I am exploring all new parts of myself that I’m really proud of and excited to share – and it’s been a journey already yet I feel it’s just now beginning.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
I wouldn’t say smooth, haha. But I’m persistent and determined when I want something, so rocky roads or unexpected turns are welcome. And I’m aware that nothing comes for free.

I think the biggest struggle has just been time management and exhaustion. It isn’t easy to be pursuing your own personal goals and dreams and at the same time, you still have to make a living along the way.

People that are blessed with family money have no idea how lucky they are and how free they are to do anything in the world.

I, however, was not this lucky so I have to work for everything that I want.

So there are days that I get up at 7 am and don’t stop working until midnight. It’s exhausting and frustrating sometimes.

My girlfriend also lives in Sweden, which I plan to move to at some point- so managing time between here and another country and extra costs adds up as well. The distance is really hard, but when you have something so special, you find a way. So I’m building an empire for us. I’m building my freedom- trying to close the gap between us.

I just know that all the stress and lack of sleep will be worth it. So I keep going. Everything worth having requires a sacrifice, and it’s why most people don’t finish what they start. Sacrifice is hard, and it takes immense discipline. You stop having time or energy for social things, and it gets lonely.

Right now, I am sacrificing my free time and rest. But only so that I can have more later. I see the plan, I’m just in the hard part now. Honestly, the hard parts are where you find out what you’re made of. It’s easy to be happy when things are easy.

I keep reminding myself that people have come before me with less and achieved more. So there is no excuse for me not to achieve everything I want. It’s not a question of if- just a question of when.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
Right now, I’m juggling my time between my makeup work, influencer modeling for brands on Instagram, fitting in photography here and there, and getting my business off the ground. Lyons Boutique brand has been a year in the works, and we just launched last Friday so it’s been taking up any free time I have!

I’m absolutely so proud of all of the work I’ve put in with that, it takes a lot to build a brand and luckily for me, I have two amazing partners in that venture Dewayne and Sara Jones. They are an incredible duo and without them, this never would have happened.

It’s really cool for me to grow in this new business aspect, I’ve always been so artistic but not really business-minded – and this venture is changing that. It’s showing me all new sides of myself that I can handle a lot more than I thought.

I think some things that set me apart is my genuineness, passion, and attention to detail. I’ve been really proud of my blog, I wanted a space that was all mine without limitations of social media pressures, etc. I’m a big fighter and advocate for the earth, lgbtq+, and especially women’s rights. I’ve found a lot of freedom and power in empowering women and standing up when I see injustice. Weaving this strength and values into all my business ventures is really important to me. And I think that sets me apart the most.

What would you say have been one of the most important lessons you’ve learned?
To learn how to differentiate what’s being said to you out of hate and valid criticism. And tune it out most of the time.

We live in a world where we are constantly seeking validation. And some people will down you just because of animosity, jealousy, insecurity, etc. don’t listen. They’ll steal your joy.

And just to try and let go of fear altogether honestly.

I’ve had to learn to manage my perfectionist traits (with which I still struggle). I get so caught up sometimes with how things look, what people are going to think, will it fail, and I detail things to death. It’s a good quality, to have attention to detail and to want things to be great – but I have learned if you wait until everything is absolutely perfect, you will be waiting for forever.

Just do it. Start. Launch. Show it off.

There will always be room for improvement, but the most important thing is to begin. And to not let people take that proud moment away from you.

Keep swimming.

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Image Credits:

Dewayne Jones (@interscopephotography) Carolina Algelin (@captainzombie) Self-portraits (@vox.the.visitor)

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