Today we’d like to introduce you to Lauren Vaughan.
Hi Lauren, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
My name is Lauren and I am the owner of Holy Dog Vintage. Born and raised in Atlanta and am glad to say I am still living in this wonderful city. I am someone who considers every single thing in life to be a stepping stone to bigger events later on. It all started when I was 12. I was a lil punk rocker who enjoyed going thrifting at the Value Village off of Bolton Rd. I wanted to get jean jackets so I could cut the sleeves off and sew patches all over them! Who knew that later on in life thrift stores would be a part of my career. In my adult life, I somehow stumbled into working in the interior design industry supplying the trade with interior elements for high-end homes. In my free time, I was spending hours wandering through dusty antique stores and thrifts – it was my happy place. Eventually, I decided to start selling some of my personal collection to make room for more and it went really well for me. After much consideration, I ended up leaving my job and starting Holy Dog full-time. Now I get to supply items for people’s homes but I get to work for myself!
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Being a small business owner has been a wild ride. Smooth sailing sometimes and other times a definite challenge. Things like filing taxes, branding, taking losses, going from working a 9-5 to literally eating, sleeping and breathing this business, no sick days, lots of heavy lifting and advocating for myself! There has been so much to learn about being a business owner. It’s all totally worth it though!
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I sell mostly vintage items such as furniture, home decor, art, and curiosities! I am probably known for life-size panther/tiger/doberman statues or vintage Harley Davidson art. I have also recently started painting on the back of vests again so I will be adding that to my business as well.
I am just really proud of myself for starting my own business after years and years of working in toxic environments and doubting myself. I made the decision to take my life back and I jumped on in!
What sets me apart is that my curation of items that I sell represents my roots and the different chapters of my life. A lot of it tells a story.
What makes you happy?
Oh man, there is so much. Just to name a few – Helping other people because we could all use a lending hand. Music because it is such a beautiful form of expression. When someone buys something from me that is super meaningful to them. ANIMALS! Anyone who knows me can tell you that at a get-together you will probably find me on the floor with the dogs.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: @holy_dog_vintage
Image Credits
Personal photo and the first four of the additional photos were taken by Andy Sapp