Today we’d like to introduce you to Nani The Artist.
Hi Nani, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
Sheesh, there’s so much story to tell. Guess it really started at a young age. Eye was born in Houston, Tx & most of my childhood eye attended Mega Churches. Eye recall my dad always being a part of the production teams and my mom was always working with the children & they both enjoyed the music department. I believe I was created with a combination of that love. My first real encounter with performing was there in church. I was a mere 7/8 years old girl and there I was in a Christmas play, singing my little heart out for thousands of members and guests. No fear at all, just passion. After, when all the “grown ups” kept walking up to my mom applauding my stage presence and voice…I knew then…. I was meant to be “A star”…
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Hell fuckin no! Haha, really things got pretty dark when Eye decided to move to Atlanta about eight years ago. Universe kept calling me to leave my comfort zone back home, all so Eye could come to Atlanta and actually GROW UP. Eye have been saying that recently, Atlanta will make or break you. & it did just that. Eye embarked on a spiritual journey here. Finding my true value, my true passions, through triumphs and failures. Eye have longed to be this artist that heals the world and because this is the journey Eye chose, Eye had to do so major healing on my own. Eye would say Eye learned & healed myself through relationships/friendships. Those tend to be the ways in which Eye learn best. Haha it’s crazy, you can say to the universe “Eye wanna be a healer” and it’ll be like “ok…here’s a shit ton of wounded people..this is your chance”. It has also been a major struggle being a single mom and trying to pursue a career in music. There were a lot of days Eye went without eating just to make sure my daughter did. Eye struggle to help her with school cuz a lot of times, Eye could barely focus on not being depressed or unhappy with my current stage of being. Unsatisfied with working for other people for little to nothing. Afraid that the world would taint her innocence…Eye wanted to do my best to preserve that but it was hard having to do it alone…
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
Eye am currently working on completely my first EP entitled 5. Where it will take my listeners on a journey through my experience with CPTSD, relationships & my spiritual journey. Eye also have my very first single out, which will be featured on the EP, called “C.M.O” or “catch me outside” on ALL streaming platforms. Eye will also be sharing some cover songs and doing a collaboration project with my good friend & fellow artist, Doc. These projects will be dropping sometime in 2023 so most definitely be sure to follow me on IG @nani.theartist to stay updated and connected with me
How do you think about happiness?
Hahaha, this interview is happiness for me. This is a reminder that Eye AM fulfilling my purpose. That all the pieces of my story are all aligned and Eye am exactly where Eye need to be. Aside from that… knowing that my daughter lights up when she hears my music or sees me pursuing my passion that makes me happy! Eye want her to choose creativity over anything because THAT is the key to true happiness.
- Live performances start at $1000
- Background vocals/sampling start at $400
- Features start at $200
- Songwriting starts at $200
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nani.theartist/
- Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/NaniTheartist
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UC7gvK669M7K6lGxUb2hzh3A
- SoundCloud: https://on.soundcloud.com/XGveo
- Other: https://youtu.be/OxXi-OOpGtM
Image Credits