Today we’d like to introduce you to Rodney Iler.
Hi Rodney, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
I’d like to start by saying thank you VoyageATL for this article that shares an update on my business, Rodney Iler Designs. I’ve been doing graphic design and social media content creation since I was 14 years old but I officially launched my graphic design business in 2020 during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. For many, the pandemic has been nothing but a very trying season and though I’ve had some ups and downs myself I am very grateful for the season because it gave me the space to sit down and cast vision. But more importantly, bring those visions to past. Launching this business has opened up doors for me to work with some large named companies, music artists, churches, events, etc. all because I took a leap of faith on myself and trusted God to direct me in the right path as it pertained to properly running a business. Since our last speaking my business has been able to grow and expand even more. I now have services in video editing, motion graphics, and I’ve even opened some graphic design packages that give my clients all-inclusive services for unbeatable rates. I’ve also been able to grow in the area of my creative eye on social media. So, if you check my social media links that’ll be include at the end of this article you’ll able to see that there a new level of cohesiveness to my social platforms and even on my website. I think the most amazing part about building this brand is that I’m just at the beginning. There is so much more in store for Rodney Iler Designs with plans that I’ve already started laying the foundation for!
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Building Rodney Iler Designs has been a smooth but not easy road. I believe that even with a smooth road, eventually you get tired of walking or running and you feel like you need a break or you feel like you need to slow down, and personally, that’s what makes this road not so easy. I oftentimes battle with the thought of taking breaks because I’m always looking ahead and considering how my present decisions may affect my future. I can very often feel like taking a break is going to cause me to lose momentum and that if I lose momentum, essentially I’m going to have to rebuild my brand from the foundation. But as time goes on, I am slowly learning that I have to pace myself. I’m also learning that there’s a method to how you pace yourself and you have to use wisdom to figure out what it looks like for you. As I graphic designer, I know that if I need a break, the best decision is probably not for me to go away for 3 weeks. The best way to go about getting breaks is for me to have hours of operation and to get a tighter grip on balancing my schedule so that I’m not overworking or overrunning myself in any area of my life. So, I want to encourage all the entrepreneurs out there to start practicing this concept I’m learning myself called healthy boundaries. Know what you can handle, what your limit is, and what is/isn’t doable for you. If there’s one thing I’ve learned dealing with some health issues over this past year, it is that your body can only take but so much and when you push it beyond its limit, it will shut down. Once your body shuts down you don’t have the opportunity to follow through with your visions or run your business the way you desire. So, take care of your body and learn boundaries because they are important.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I am a content creator through graphic, web, and video designing. I specialize is in graphic design but I am known to do great work in all 3 of the listed areas. What sets me apart from others is the experience I create for my clients. Even though our communications source mainly via email, I know how to communicate a smile even in that. Rodney Iler Designs is more than a business but a ministry and that’s the message I convey when I’m working with clients and even when I’m designing projects. I never take it as my job to create something from my mind but to seek after God on the vision that he has for each project I create and that’s what I am most proud of.
We all have a different way of looking at and defining success. How do you define success?
Most people weigh success based off a very specific status, financial rack, and platform. But I believe that success is different for everyone based on your specific dreams, goals, and aspirations. If you set goals for yourself and you achieve or even go beyond those goals I believe that you are considered successful. Life presents itself differently for everyone individually so I think it’s inconsider to place a “standard” for what success looks like.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.rodneyilerministries.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rodneyilerdesigns/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rodneyilerdesigns
Image Credits
Calvin Finklea Photography