Today we’d like to introduce you to Tierra Redd.
Hi Tierra, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Hi, I’m Tierra. I am the youngest of four kids and grew up in Denver, CO. When I was 22, I relocated to GA. I originally started this journey in 2018. I noticed a few chin hairs, and I started tweezing and waxing the area. The hair was UNBEARABLE before I knew it, and the texture of my skin was rough with hyperpigmentation. I also tried shaving and laser but none of those worked. I began to believe I would have to live with unwanted facial hair forever. When I relocated to Georgia, I did some research and found electrolysis. I completed my treatments which took about a year. I was beyond grateful that I found something that worked. I never had dreams of becoming an electrologist but knew I wanted to tell the world about it because it changed my life forever. After completing my treatments, I reached out to a few instructors and began training. Working and attending school full time was not easy, but I had a higher purpose. Unfortunately, during the pandemic, the company I worked for eight years laid me off due to Covid. Instead of settling for another 9 to 5, I decided to rely on my faith and pursue electrolysis full time. I am currently a full-time electrologist and continuing my education to become a C.P.E. (Certified Professional Electrologist).
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
What’s a story without a struggle? Obstacles or challenges. I’ve learned you can’t live a life without barriers. Moving from Denver to Atlanta without any family taught me independence, but I was not prepared for the struggles along the way. First, I went through a cultural shock. There was a significant difference living in the South coming from the Midwest. Second, I was lost and confused about my career and purpose, but I was determined to get through. Finally, I had to find who I was by stepping out of my comfort zone.
I’m a very positive person and believe there is a solution for every problem; you have to balance the positive and negative. So when challenges arise, I take it one day at a time, putting my best foot forward. All of what I’ve been through in life has made me the woman I am today. I’m ready for whatever other obstacles challenges may come my way.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I’m an electrologist. I know most people haven’t heard of that, LOL, but I specialize in permanently removing unwanted hair on any body area. Yes, many people have unwanted hair on their bodies, but when you’re a woman with a beard, it’s a source of embarrassment that can inhibit your social activity. Although hormones, genetics, or medications influence unwanted hair, it’s a story that’s important to me because I also suffered from unwanted hair. I have serviced many clients, but most are women who suffer from PCOS (a hormonal issue) that causes excessive facial hair, affecting their confidence and self-esteem. Hairless Solutions offers more than permanent hair removal; we open new doors for men, women, teens, and everyone in between who are on a journey towards becoming their best selves.
I am most proud of this journey because I share my story with others and electrolysis’s impact on me. Like other women, I’ve had those same insecurities of wearing makeup to hide facial hair. But, overall, I am most proud of the honesty, integrity, and sacrifice that goes into my service that benefits me and those that feel insecure.
What sets me apart is that I share my story to help others who may be going down the same road of spending thousands of dollars on temporary hair removal. I started my business with one goal in mind: to tell the world about electrolysis. I never underestimate my influence on anyone I interact with, especially clients.
I have gained more business confidence by only focussing on what my business does. I don’t look to the competition and compare myself to others that way; all my energy goes into my business and not what others are doing. Excitement, belief, and hype are infectious; if you genuinely believe in your business, you will also start to make other people feel the same.
What makes you happy?
I always start the day by being consciously aware of what I’m thankful for. I also spend a lot of time with people who believe and support me. My clients have also played a considerable role in my happiness. Seeing their confidence and self-esteem during the transformation process reassures me of my purpose and why I started.
Contact Info:
- Email: info@hairlesssolutions.com
- Website: https://www.hairlesssolution.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hairless_solution/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hairlesssolutions
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