Today we’d like to introduce you to Toni Jones.
Hi Toni, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
I was a life coach for women and youth for several years. I guided women to heal and unlearn workaholism. I prayed for an idea to help my clients practice well-being on the go. And God gave me Affirmation Music. I Googled it, and no one had coined it, so I was excited to create this for my clients. I never imagined in a million years that this was about to be my new path. I went from a career to a calling. I released my first album “Affirmations for the Grown Ass Woman” on 3.19.19 during Women’s history month and by the end of 2020, I closed down my coaching business to pursue Affirmation Music full-time. I’m still in awe that this is all happening because it was not in my plans at all. I now have five projects out, one exclusively on YouTube and Bandcamp. I’ve been featured in Essence, Forbes and my single Take UP Space Sis was placed on the Showtime series “The CHI”. Which was huge. I’ve participated/performed for events like Earn Your Leisure podcast & Ally Financial, Amazon, and many festivals all around the country. With 30+ Million streams and growing, I am here for where this goes. I’m just focused on enjoying the process, and the entire journey along the way.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
No, it has not been easy. Going from a career to a calling has been very rocky and triggering. Especially when you are attempting to craft a lane in music and business with your highest integrity. I’ve learned many hard lessons along the way. I have fallen into some cliche pitfalls as a woman, a business, and an artist. But it all prepared me to adapt and master myself in the way I regulate my nervous system, in being devoted to my rhythm that honors my rest and well-being, and sustainability professionally. In particular, some of the challenges was transitioning from being dependent on a check to generating income on my own which sparked a whole journey of healing my money wounds. Secondly, setting professional boundaries with people and trusting my intuition because there are a lot of good people that have hidden agendas and intentions that can be harmful to who I am and what I do. And lastly, not investing in business infrastructure literacy early on. However, I am grateful I experienced all I have in such a short amount of time because it has set me up to be ready for how I am expanding now as a person and an artist.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I am a life coach turned Affirmation Musician. I help people talk to themselves better through words and music. I specialize in guiding people into healthier, more positive self-talk. I am most proud of being a student to my own message. What sets me apart is I don’t claim to be a leader, a guru, a healer or some label that defines myself as though I have arrived somewhere higher than another. Nor do I base my success and identity on hard work, hustle, and grind. But I base it all on my well-being, my spiritual nourishment, and how I feel in my body. My business model is nothing without that. I am a human being that serves and loves myself first, and I create from that place, and I share it with the world. My entire life and work is based on being well mentally, spiritually, and emotionally that way I can really have the spaciousness for the ebbs and flows that come with business, change, growth, creativity, and everyday responsibilities. This is what sets me apart; I am not a slave to my dreams or business.
Do you have any memories from childhood that you can share with us?
My favorite childhood memory has to be between two memories because I can’t pick one… My mom threw me a Rainbow Brite birthday party, I haven’t had one since, and I deserve another one; come to think about it. LOL. When I thought Big Bird from Sesame Street was talking to me on the television, Big Bird said “HI” on the screen and I said, “Who me?” and Big Bird said, “Yes you” I absolutely lost it in joy and glee because I just felt so seen and special. Like Big Bird heard me and said Hi.
- From 33.33 *Personalized Affirmation Audios
- 22.00 * Join Affirmation Living Room Community
- 999.99 * Co-Host Event with me in Atlanta area
- 100,000.00 Affirmation Living 365 with Toni Jones
Contact Info:
- Website: www.iamtonijones.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamtonijones/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IAMtonijonesIAM/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/toni-jones-bb969371/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/tonijones
- Other: https://tonijones.komi.io/
Image Credits
Breann White for Headshots Jay Begay for headshots in beanie hat