Today, we’d like to introduce you to Jay and Marci. They share their story with us below:
Jay and Marci’s first meeting was during a meet and greet for resident assistants at the college they attended. The meeting was designed to introduce them to the individuals they would work with the next school year.
Prior to the meeting, Marci had a conversation with a supervisor who spoke highly of Jay. The supervisor told Marci that she would love working with Jay and he’s a great guy. Marci immediately thought “…ummm…that might be my husband!”
Beginning with their initial meeting, Jay and Marci’s interaction was a lot of bantering. The bantering intrigued Jay because he found Marci on Facebook the same night he met her.
In the midst of their bantering, Jay and Marci instantly became work confidants while serving as resident assistants. Their relationship developed into a friendship.
As they continued to grow as friends, their relationship turned to dating then marriage!
Jay and Marci’s first meeting was in Spring 2008 and they will celebrate ten years of marriage in Fall of 2023.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Marriage is beautiful, and we love being married, but every day is not perfect.
A marriage consists of two people who agree to share their lives, but each person has a different background, beliefs, and personal aspirations.
We found the transition to married life smoother when working together to establish personal and couple goals. By setting goals together, we ensure we are both on the same page and working together and not against each other.
Some of the aspirations we achieved as a couple were graduating together with doctorate degrees debt-free, eliminating credit card debt, and purchasing our first home.
The goals we achieved helped us grow in our faith and marriage.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about Adventures in Marriage with JaM?
The business is Adventures in Marriage with JaM, which is a blog and YouTube Channel! JaM stands for Jay and Marci.
Adventures in Marriage with JaM aims to encourage, support, and positively impact marriages. We hope individuals who desire marriage find the content beneficial as well.
Encourage Others to Travel
We are a couple who love to travel together. On our blog and YouTube Channel, we share our travels to give others ideas of different places to visit. Furthermore, we provide detailed insight on tips and strategies to enhance the overall travel experience.
Encourage Others Financially
On our blog, we share our journey to graduating debt-free with doctorate degrees, eliminating credit card debt, and purchasing our first home.
Positively Impact Marriages
Series are incorporated into the Adventures in Marriage with JaM YouTube Channel. Couples Conversations was our first series which included other married couples who shared their stories to support and encourage other couples.
The Couples Conversations Series features topics such as:
Marriage and Parenting
Journey to 40 Years of Marriage
Owning a Business with a Spouse
Marriage and Surviving Breast Cancer
Therapy in Marriage
Military, Marriage, Miscarriage, and Rainbow Baby
We are currently starting our second series: Quality Time. In the Quality Time series, we will highlight how we purposefully plan time together. We also plan to share date night ideas!
Support Individuals Aspiring to Marry
For individuals who aspire to marry one day, we made a YouTube video explaining how we started preparing for marriage as teenagers and how we knew we were the one for each other. We hope the video will encourage anyone who desires marriage.
Encouraging and Informative Content for All
Although our content is marriage related, we believe anyone can benefit from or engage with our content.
Future of Adventures in Marriage with JaM
Our blog and YouTube Channel are both fairly new. Our goal in 2023 is to gain more exposure for the blog and YouTube Channel to impact married couples and those desiring marriage in a positive way!
As we grow in Adventures in Marriage with JaM, we aspire to partner with brands and speak at marriage conferences.
What were you like growing up?
Marci: I have always been talkative around family and close friends. However, when meeting new people and around large crowds, I am reserved.
Growing up, I did not enjoy reading books required for me to read academically. However, I always enjoyed reading books of my choice. I vividly recall reading Amelia Bedelia, Beverly Cleary books, American Girl: Addy Book Series and Goosebumps books growing up.
Vacation has always been a time of year that I look forward to experiencing. As a family, we generally took a vacation at least once a year. Quite often, we visited the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. I always look forward to having the opportunity to visit the Walt Disney World Resort, even as an adult.
When I reminisce on my experiences growing up, I see how my enjoyment for reading connects to me wanting to start a blog. My love for travel as a child has transferred into our marriage and my desire to encourage others to travel. I see the blog as an opportunity to share information with others without the reserved nature taking over because all of the content is written or recorded with Jay.
Jay: Growing up in a rural environment, I was exposed to a lot of work ethic by harvesting vegetables in the fields and participating in various activities in the community with family and friends. I embraced trying new experiences, learning new skills, and helping others. My involvement in multiple activities such as church, sports, clubs, outdoor activities, and the band greatly influenced my love for nature, adventures, creativity, and helping and supporting others. I’m delighted that my passion for adventures and empowerment is shared with Marci through our marriage and travel experiences.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://adventuresinmarriagewithjam.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marriage_adventures_with_jam/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adventuresinmarriagewithjam
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEcIMUWfoLDHRWXRtqeBeJg
- Other: https://linktr.ee/adventuresinmarriagewithjam
Image Credits
Keith Hammock Photography Royal Caribbean International St. Augustine Parasail