Today we’d like to introduce you to Stephanie Fleming.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
Fastrak Mobile Lab & Training was not just a dream for me, but a need for the community. I have worked in the phlebotomy field for over 25 years now. I have held many different positions within the phlebotomy field throughout the years such as Phlebotomy Lead, Coach, Trainer, Manager, Instructor and Supervisor. I worked half of those positions while living in my hometown of Trenton, NJ. My family and I moved to Georgia in 2004 where I continued my career. I always loved what I did. I am a people person and I love meeting new people. Phlebotomy to me is not just about drawing blood. It is about building a relationship with your patients. Most patients are already nervous because getting your blood drawn can be just as scary as getting a tooth pulled. It is up to the phlebotomist to make the patient feel as comfortable as possible. You will be surprised at the stories you hear while drawing someone’s blood. You become a counselor, a prayer warrior, an advisor—the list goes on. Through the years, I have had countless people say to me, “no one has ever gotten my blood on the first try”, “no one can ever find my veins,” or “no one has ever stuck me just once. I wish you could come to draw my blood for my surgery coming up, I wish you could draw my blood for this insurance policy, I wish you could come to draw my bedridden grandmother.”
As the years all began to run together, I began feeling less fulfilled with my career. I would tell my husband that I felt incomplete. My job began to feel tedious. So I started thinking about what next. During the pandemic, I started to get more phone calls at the Lab I was working at asking if we do house calls which I replied that we didn’t. That’s when my husband said to me, “why couldn’t you?” He said you can start your own Mobile Phlebotomy company. That’s when a light bulb came on in my head and my heart gained back this spark that it had lost for the field slowly. I would be able to help more people and give them the service that was greatly needed in the community. The Pandemic was very painful for many of us but I was able to make a difference during a hard time and help people maintain their healthcare within their homes. When people were afraid to go into the doctor’s offices, labs and clinics Fastrak Mobile Lab went to them and we will continue going to people’s homes, jobs, schools, churches, assistant living facilities, senior facilities, etc…. Wherever we are needed.
Fastrak Mobile Lab provides many services that the community can call on us and receive that are fast, easy and confidential such as labs, DNA testing, drug screens, STD testing, Covid testing and more. Fastrak provides service for everyone, from the scared baby that the parents don’t want to take to the lab to the Celebrity that wants to remain confidential. Fastrak got you!!!!
My decision to become a Phlebotomist was actually intended to be a temporary solution. At the time I was a young mother trying to care for a newborn child. I applied to the LPN program which was all filled and would not have any availabilities until the fall of the following year. With a child to take care of, I had to make another decision. I decided to take the Medical Assistant program so I would be able to get a job in the medical field with a similar task of an LPN until I was able to start the LPN program. After completing the Medical Assistant program I worked in many different specialties. I was asked by a friend at the time if I wanted a job at the lab. I said I really didn’t have any experience in drawing blood. She said that was ok, there would be hands-on training. It was more money and better hours so I said yes. I interviewed and got the job. Needless to say, I fell in love with phlebotomy and had found my calling.
By the following year when I received the phone call asking if I was still interested in attending the LPN program, I was not. Phlebotomy gave me the monetary stability, set hours and medical career satisfaction that I was looking for. Throughout the years, I worked hard to perfect my skills and learned all that I could in my field. As the years progressed I knew that retiring at someone’s lab, office or hospital was not what I wanted. I knew that I wanted to retire from the medical field but how I wasn’t sure. After many years of working, I found my retirement goal and that was to work for myself. That is when Fastrak was thought of but not followed through with. I sat on the idea of Fastrak Mobile Lab for several years, like many people afraid to take that leap in faith. Until the pandemic.
Smooth journey, not hardly. Mobile Phlebotomy is a service that many people don’t know exists. It is a learn as you go process. There are not many out there so there’s not a lot of outlines you can follow or people you can ask for guidance. It is a learn as you go. One thing I can say is that my journey is led by God. Every move that I make is according to his time. When I didn’t think Fastrak was going anywhere, I’d pray. God would always show me his promise so I learned to let him take the wheel and with my Faith, my husband’s knowledge of business and God’s guidance, Fastrak has grown so much throughout these past three years.
I plan to take Fastrak to a whole new level in Georgia and who knows maybe even further. When you think Mobile Phlebotomy, Fastrak Mobile Lab will be your first choice!
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
Fastrak Mobile Lab is my passion. I want to make life easier for those people who wish to take control of their health. Fastrak Mobile Lab will help you do just that. Not only can you order your own labs with Fastrak but you can stay safely at home and let us come to you! Fastrak provides many services Lab testing with or without a doctor’s order, COVID-19 PCR testing, STD, Drug screens, Specialty Kits. We provide service for everyone. We do Covid testing for movie/video production, and clinical research studies. We do it All!!!
Can you talk to us a bit about the role of luck?
I have been not just sooo lucky but extremely blessed! I have met and been able to collaborate with so many people in the movie industry that has really helped get Fastrak’s name put there.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.fastrakmobilelab.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fastrakmobilelab
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FastrakMobileLab
- Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/FastrakMobileLab