Today we’d like to introduce you to Tasha Dampier.
Hi Tasha, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
My name is Tasha Renae, and I grew up in a small town called Clarksdale, MS. Growing up, I was told that I would never be anything or amount to anything. Instead of allowing those words to play on my emotions, I used those very words as a ladder to climb through this thing called life. After seeing that Clarksdale could not offer me much, it was time to move forward. I moved to Memphis, TN in 2001. I have had to endure so many hardships over the years, however, with prayer and fasting; I was able to overcome many trials. However, there were many tests I fell as well. Due to an obstacle in my marriage in 2003, I attempted suicide. I had attempted suicide and had premeditated double homicide embedded in my mind. God stepped in quickly and spoke to me. It was at that moment in my life that I knew I was called, chosen, and purposed for kingdom purposes. I had to endure the hurt in that marriage, but I had to let it go, or I would have ended up in cell block C with 6 cornrows braided to the back lol… I eventually divorced in 2016, and when my divorce was final, God opened doors for me that no man could shut.
As of today, I am a three-time Author. The titles of my books are: A Painful Purposed Journey, A Hostage Situation, and Breakthrough Prayers. I am the Sr. Leader and Founder of The Great I AM Healing & Transformation Center, I am part owner of S & T Consulting Firm with one of my best friends, Sandra Thornton, and I am the CEO of IATIA Business Service. In June of 2022, while already in transition to a new state, I decided to take a leap of faith and resign from a 12-year 6-figure career as an Assistant Vice President at a bank. While working for Corporate America, I built some amazing internal and external relationships. I built relationships with consumers and businesses. After seeing so many small businesses decline to receive lending for their business, I decided to invest in my knowledge outside of the company, paid for out of my pocket, to better help the business customers. My team was always one of the top teams in the market, I was top in investments, I mentored Assistant Branch Manager, and I coached and developed not only my team but others as well.
When I took that leap of faith to resign, I chose to trust God with my business and with the ministry. As of today, I am in a position where I am helping so many clients to ensure expansion and acceleration in their businesses. I also aid and assist consumers to ensure they are financially fit and sound in every aspect of their lives. I am also daily encouraging and inspiring others. Annually, my ministry (TGIA Healing Center) does a BackPacks & Blankets Drive for the homeless in honor of my mother Earnestine Dampier, may she continue to rest. My mom was a giver, and she fed the entire city. We give back to keep her legacy alive, and I pour into others. Every Wednesday we have a Fueling Station Conference call where individuals can come to be revived, restored, renewed, refreshed, and rejuvenated.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
The road has not been smooth at all. Being a full-time entrepreneur is a lot of work. You must have drive, determination, tenacity, ambition, passion, and a zeal like non-other. There are many nights I have cried, wanted to give up, applied for other jobs, and shifted into a depression. When launching a business, you feel as if it will be your family and friends who will be your biggest supporters. However, that has been proven to not be the case at all. You will also run into those individuals who only want the “hook-up” not realizing that you are an entrepreneur and that there is a price on your services and for your time. Let me pause and say this. I am one individual that will give the shirt off of my back. God has put me in a position to bless so many individuals, businesses, charities, etc. However, there comes a time when you must hold firm to your prices. I will not charge for ministry. I believe God put me here to freely give mentorship by way of ministry for free. However, when coming to the Business side, there is a price on hiring me to be your coach, advisor, or consultant. I prayed and asked God to send me quality clients who are truly interested in catapulting their business and personal finances to the next level. My clients have been coming by word of mouth. When someone speaks highly of you and your work, others do not mind investing in themselves or their businesses.
As you know, we’re big fans of IATIA Publishing & Business Services LLC/The Great I Am Healing & Transformation Center. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
IATIA (I AM THAT I AM) Publishing & Business Services is committed to providing First Class Service to every client we cross paths with. We pride ourselves on helping individuals of all ethnicities, backgrounds, colors, and creeds. Here at IATIA, we are enthusiastic about partnering with consumers and businesses to ensure all of their financial goals and aspirations are met and exceeded. We offer the following services on the
Publishing Side:
Ghostwriting, Editing, Publishing, Proofreading, Formatting, Rewriting, Creative Book Cover, Design Publishing on Amazon, 100% Ownership, Flyer to Promote your New Book, New Author Spotlight on Social Media Platforms and Website
On the Business side we offer:
Business Consulting/Coaching
Life Insurance
Tax Preparation
Formation and Structure of Business
Resume Writing Services
Notary Services
Estate Planning
Business Plan Writing
Grant Application Assistance
Booking for Speaking engagements
Leadership Coaching
Finance Planning
We offer a plethora of other services on the business side.
I am known for shifting the trajectory in the lives of others. My purpose for waking up daily with breath in my lungs is to encourage individuals to walk in their purpose and destiny and to ensure that they are leaving a legacy and an inheritance to their children. I am most proud of the fact that I TRUSTED GOD and STEPPED OUT ON FAITH to launch my business. I finally took a chance on Tasha Renae all while trusting God to lead me, guide me, order my steps, and give me the wisdom to help shape and mold businesses.
Can you talk to us about how you think about risk?
It was a risk resigning from a career with health insurance, over 1 million in life insurance, job security, and 401k to become a full-time entrepreneur. I kept hearing God say, “Launch out into the deep.” I can say that I am definitely a risk-taker. I don’t believe in playing it safe. One of my personal quotes is, “You are not a failure, you only fail when you don’t even try to succeed.” I took a risk and walked away from an 18-year relationship (we were married for 13 of those years). I had been with my ex-husband since I was 16. I never had to pay a bill, and he was a great provider, however, in the end, I had to leave and learn how to live on my own while paying all of my bills. According to the dictionary, risk is defined as a situation involving exposure to danger, the possibility of something unpleasant or unwelcome will happen. However, my definition of risk is launching out into the unknown and unfamiliar territory. I define risk as stepping out of your comfort zone. I define risk as shifting from that “I can’t” mentality to an “I can” mentality. We were not created to walk in fear and to be complacent in life. We were created to be strong and very courageous.
Contact Info:
- Website: iatiapbservices.org
- Instagram: @positionedforpurpose
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IATIAservices
Image Credits
Angelo Marchell Williams Photo Credits