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Conversations with the Inspiring Shaunda Head

Today we’d like to introduce you to Shaunda Head.

So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
I grew up in Decatur in a single-mother household. Throughout my childhood, I was always encouraged to pursue anything I was passionate about, so dance, writing, reading, and painting really kept me creative. My life has always been about passion, love, and art.

While in college at Florida A&M University (FAMU) studying graphic design, I started freelancing by creating logos for small businesses. That journey ballooned to me working in design, digital marketing, and photography for all types of small businesses, non-profits, government agencies, and even a few global companies. My work has even been featured on television!

By 2017, I’d decided to take a leap of faith so that I could stay working in my creative pursuits. Life is meant to be lived, and we spend so much of our life working, I believe we should be doing what we love. So, I quit my job and started working for myself full-time in branding, marketing, and biz strategy. If I’m going to be stressed, I better be stressed doing what I came here to do!

Now, I help women build, design and market strategic brands that fit their purpose. Branding and marketing don’t come easy to a lot of folks. so I make sure to also offer tons of free resources to those looking to answer their calling and go into business for themselves. I even host a free community where women entrepreneurs can come and discuss and resolve all of their branding struggles.

Has it been a smooth road?
It definitely has not been a smooth road. In 2013, I lost my mother to stage four breast cancer and it shook my foundation. She was my rock, my cheerleader and hugest force in my life. And she continues to be.

One year later, I was moving my grandmother into my home, as she was exhibiting signs of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. I became her primary caregiver — she was 90 and I was 33.

I’ve also struggled with infertility, losing three pregnancies over the span of two years.

So, yes, there have been some bumps, some of the roll up into a ball on the floor and cry variety. My life has been a masterclass in resiliency. And it’s okay. That’s life. There will be ebbs and flows.

What I would want other women to know, is that you need to lean on your faith. The struggles will come, so expect them. Feel what you feel, react and grieve how you react and grieve. Find someone to talk to so you can get all of that energy out of you. Because it will affect every area of your life if you let it.

Whatever happens to you is not in vain. And sometimes, it’s just not about you. Sometimes, your story is the very thing that helps the next person. So get through it, find some therapy and talk about it. (I have a great therapist if you need one!)

Please tell us more about what you do, what you are currently focused on and most proud of.
I’m known for my design and brand strategy work. I’ve also been shooting professionally since 2007, so my work now allows me to put all of my skills together to cover a brand from A-Z.

I truly love what I do! It’s not lost on me that I am here to serve other women so that they can move forward in business also.

I’m so proud of my eclectic background and how my work lies at that unique intersection of all of my capabilities. In fact, that’s exactly what I dig deep into with my clients: What is your special sauce? What does working in your brilliance look like, no matter how weird? And how can we infuse that into your brand design and marketing, so that you call in the clients who would resonate the most with what you have to offer? How can we attract the people who are assigned to you? That’s what my work is about.

Do you have any advice for finding a mentor or networking in general? What has worked well for you?
Finding a mentor or biz coach is key to your level up, but so is accountability. I recommend joining biz groups or masterminds. Put yourself around other women on the same level as you. That way, you’ll have access to an expert coach, but also other peers whom you can grow with and call on as your brand grows.

A lot of entrepreneurs think business is something you do alone. Nope. You need to be around people who get what you’re talking about if you’re talking shop. You need to be around people who can refer you to others. Or refer others to you. And it also helps your mindset. Confirmation bias is real. Make sure you can see what you want to be.

Every successful mogul is doing this. Oprah has four coaches. Get into it.

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                Image Credit:
Kia Williams

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