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Conversations with Annie Clark

Today we’d like to introduce you to Annie Clark.

Hi Annie, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
I am born and raised in Barcelona, Spain. As a kid, I always loved to perform, either acting like my favorite characters and dressing up or singing these songs my oldest brother used to listen in his room. I was always into something, I barely took any singing or music lessons, it was all natural in me. I started my first band around my teens, just for fun but with big goals and dreams. I was not happy to just play in a garage or to just go to rehearsal, I wanted to be big. To be onstage and make people smile and have fun. I wanted to do it because it’s in me, in my soul, so I just went for it.

Acting was still my other passion but music came to me faster/easier way, I could not afford an academic course for acting at that time, so I pursued the music route and after a few different bands over the years, keep trying and so on, I was able to finally find a promoter that helped us to get to open for big musicians like Steven Adler from Guns N Roses, Kiss members Eric Singer and Bruce Kulick, John Corabi ex Motley Crue singer, Mike Tramp from White Lion…. that was around the early 2000s. Not longer after, I moved to the USA and after a long break on anything related to music that feeling to perform and to be on stage came back to me. Three years ago, Shotgun Superstars – my current band – was formed. But as soon as we started to get on the road, Covid hit so we had to take a long year hiatus.

After that, we were offered so many shows, so last year, we were on the road almost every week for months. It was amazing. This year, we are a little bit more slow booking but we just had an amazing experience playing at The Masquerade in Philadelphia, a BLE event, a three-day event. We played all three days. Amazing. I am very, very grateful for everyone involved on that festival and for every single show we have done over the years. On the acting side, right now, I am currently filming a movie called “Beyond The Survival” I can’t give many details about it yet but it’s exciting! It will be released around the Summer of 2023.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Yes and no. Is not always easy to get to where you want to be. These ups and downs are part of what makes us stronger and what makes one to succeed. When for example I wanted to do that show or be cast on that film and I didn’t get the gig, it’s like a punch on your guts, allow that emotion for a second and move on and concentrate on the next one, the next goal. Never stay stuck on that No and overthink about it. For me, these No’s made me go on stronger on to pursue my dreams. When I was getting into the music world, I had dreams of playing on that venue or here or there, then things happen. The band breaks up, the guitar player leaves, rehearsals that go to nothing or you always get a No from promoters because you are not big band…. but after working hard and being consistent and never ever giving up, I ended up playing where I wanted to and with all these big bands.

Same as acting, I have basically started taking acting classes, accent classes, bought many acting books, webinars, watching movies to get tips and tricks from these actors, a constant daily training….and trying to do my best on this world while still learning things every day, which is similar to music. You get a lot of No’s so many times but never give up.

This happened to me just a couple of months ago. I saw that post about a casting director looking for actors for his film. I sent my resume without any expectations and he replied to me that same day saying I’ve got one of the Lead Roles! So yes, never give up, it will happen. It’s hard, yes it is but if you really want it there will be the day all that hard work will pay off. And always be kind and grateful for anything that happens when you reach that dream.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am the lead singer of Shotgun Superstars. A rock cover band based in Atlanta GA. Like our motto says “We are not just a cover band – we are really a tribute to the rock show itself”. We are known for great performances and playing songs from these Swedish bands like Hardcore Superstar, Crashdiet, Crazy Lixx, and Santa Cruz…among USA bands like Babylon AD, KIX, Skid Row, SteelDragon….just to name some. We have a special fan base, mostly Monsters of Rock Cruise people. We play what other bands don’t play and that makes us unique but is not only that but we give a great performance. It’s a rock show, so that’s how it has to be.

It’s hard to bring these European bands overseas due to Visas and all of that so, lots of people from around the USA is following us because we play these songs that they can only hear if they travel to Europe. Also, we want to open the doors for these bands to get to be known over here for new fans so they can grow their fan base and to finally be able to come to the USA to play. I am also an actor and currently filming a movie called “Beyond The Survival” it will be released summer of 2023.

Is there any advice you’d like to share with our readers who might just be starting out?
Never give up. If you really want to pursue your dream, whatever it is, go for it and be kind and grateful for anything and anyone that helps you to get there. Might be a long road, might be short, easy or not but if you feel that fire inside of you, do not give up when someone tells you you can’t do it or a no. Use that energy you are feeling when they say that to you to make you go on stronger. A few things I wished I knew years ago …but it was not the right time or the right place. If things are happening now, now its the time. Use that time wisely and be proud of any success even if it’s small. You have been working hard, give yourself a round of applause for one step forward.

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Image Credits
Robbie Glen Photography All Music Magazine Rocktography by Sandy Beitler

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