Today we’d like to introduce you to Damion Gordon.
Hi Damion, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Well, it all started as a kid, a teenager, and even in my young adult years I had a passion for football. Growing up all I could imagine myself doing was playing collegiate football, then going to the NFL. I always thought acting was for like softer people or ones that’s not that tough so I never took interest in until playing the game of football led me to it which sparked my entertainment career in 2018-2019.
There was a tv show that aired on bet named “The Quad” and this specific show was centered around the college life, with a few of the main characters being football players. I found out the NFL career wasn’t for me so I decided to go out an audition for the movie just because of the love of the game!
When I got on set the lead of the show “Kevin Savage” who was also the quarterback needed like a stunt double! So it just happen that me and him had the same measurements same height, weight, shoe size, shirt size, I mean everything lined up.
To make a long story short now I’m not just one of the football players on set I’m really in the acting world as a stunt double so every day I’m seeing real A-list actors and directors, and I’m in my own trailer and everything! And here’s when it really turns for me one of the biggest producers Rob Hardy asked me have I ever acted? And I said no I’m just playin football I never thought about no acting! Not knowing this is one of the biggest producers, he tell me you need to get you some headshots and start sending them out you got to the look to do this!
I’m thinking no…. ain’t no way I’m supposed to be acting it’s too soft. So I spent about two months on this set and every day different people were giving me compliments like Mr Hardy did, so I took a hard look in the mirror after that set and said maybe this is where I’m supposed to be at least give it a try! So after that, I took everyone’s advice got me some headshot sent them out started getting work and it grew from there!
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
1. With there being so many great actors sometimes when you don’t book it can’t get discouraging especially when you pull your all into an audition…
2. Although you may not be acting in front of the camera every day for a “REAL ACTOR” it’s a 24-hour job I’ve received 3-page auditions due within hours but you have to love to want to do it.
3. Traveling a lot of my gigs have been where I would have to drive a good ways away even out of state and sometimes it get a lil lonely and your frustrated trying to make sure you got your lines on the way it’s a lot you just have to remember what who and why you do it.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I don’t like to box myself in and just say I’m an actor, I’m a businessman/ entertainer. I host a party I run my own cleaning service and transportation service. Recently I also joined the “ATLANTA HAWKS SKY SQUAD” which I love doing; it’s a stress reliever and it also keeps me balanced with my athletic side I never want to lose.
What are your plans for the future?
My biggest plans really revolve around my acting and my cleaning business.
With acting, I’m praying to book a reoccurring role in a series and also book a lead or co-star role in a feature-length movie.
And for my business, I just want to submit more government contracts as a minority and actually win the bids to put more people in positions.
I also plan to build a sports complex in my hometown Rockdale, GA.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/rich_rocky?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/damion.gordon.56?mibextid=LQQJ4d
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/@richrocky9756
Image Credits
Karentova is the photographer