Today we’d like to introduce you to Jocelyn Thomas.
Hi Jocelyn, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
I am originally from Montgomery, Alabama. I was born and raised there. During my childhood, I grew up eating all of the southern foods that you can imagine. Although I was very athletic at an early age, my love for Fitness and Nutrition developed later on in life. When I joined the military, I learned that I had developed some health problems. At the age of 19, I was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer that had developed from the unhealthy ways I was eating and living. The doctor suggested that I needed surgery to have it removed, but I took a different approach and decided to turn to holistic healing. I began to change my diet to a vegetarian-based regimen and began to exercise regularly versus just when it was time to exercise (military training, sports). And just like that, I was healed, no more stomach ulcer pain to hinder my everyday routines. So that made me think, “What if I could do the same thing for someone else?” And that is how Legendary Health and Fitness (LHNF) was created.
Now let’s flash forward to how I got to this point. I have been an active-duty US Army Soldier for more than 17 years now. The fact that I had been in the military is truly what opened the door for me in the fitness industry. I had the opportunity to become a certified Master Fitness Trainer and Physical Fitness Facilitator via the military. I then coupled that with nutrition and scientific studies by getting certified at Body Design University and NASM. Since I was actively participating in these programs, it helped me to become certified and accredited Wellness Coach and Personal Trainer.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
The journey has definitely not been easy, but to be honest, if it was easy, I would not want it. Challenges and grit have turned me into the person I am today. I’ve also discovered it is what makes me relatable to my clients. Real people want to deal with real people, not perfect people. My biggest challenge, ironically, is the very same thing that opened the door for me in the first place. The irony in the situation is a bit humorous, I know. But being an active-duty CPT has, at times, limited me from being able to fully run LHNF the way I would have liked to. It can be a very demanding and time-consuming job, and it used to only leave me with three or so hours a day to be able to train clients. Which obviously limited my cliental.
Enter COVID-19, the pandemic was and still is a scary time to live in the world. However, with people being more concerned about their health and not leaving their homes as much, the fitness and nutrition industry has benefited, including myself. People cared about what they put in their bodies and wanted to be more aware of holistic eating and wellness. Most of the workouts became virtual sessions (online and Zoom). The changes because of the pandemic helped me to balance my time more wisely and to be able to properly care for my clients while still working my active-duty job.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I am a Wellness Coach and I specialize in whole-body wellness. Meaning I care about what you do to your body, what you put into your body, and how you feel about your body. I provide clients with a meal and fitness plan every week that helps them maximize their results because we all know you cannot out-train a bad diet. I also encourage my clients multiple times of the day because I do understand that starting a healthier lifestyle is not always that easy.
I am most proud of the motto, “We bring the gym to you”, because that’s exactly what I do. I bring the workout to client’s homes, jobs, etc. that brings the convenience factor to people. Because most people actually do not mind working out, they just don’t like the commitments of gyms or the constant traveling you have to do. So, I am aiming to remove those obstacles out of people’s way. The majority of my clients tell me the thing that sets Legendary Health and Fitness (LHNF) apart from other personal trainers and gyms is the accountability factor. I am literally calling or texting my clients 2 to 3 times a day to help keep them on track; most other trainers aren’t going to do that.
Alright, so to wrap up, is there anything else you’d like to share with us?
Although I am physically located in Orlando, FL, I conduct most of my training services online. Via Zoom and other forms of online training (custom meal and fitness plans, daily accountability checks). This allows me to work with multiple clients in multiple locations. I also conduct one on one personal training sessions in the Orlando area and when traveling to other various states.
- 1 on 1 Zoom Session $50
- 30 Day Meal Plan $100
- 30 Day (Meal & Fitness) Plan $200
- 3 Month Fitness Plan $200
- 3 Month (Meal & Fitness Plan) $300
Contact Info:
- Email: legendaryhnf@gmail.com
- Website: www.legendaryhnf.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/legendaryhealthandfitness/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/legendaryhealthandfitness
- Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/legendaryhnf
Image Credits
Cartis Production Jay L photography