Today we’d like to introduce you to Kash.
Kash, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I am 27 years old born on March 30th, 1996 (shout out to all my Aries out there). Ever since I was born, I knew I wanted to be a STAR I did not know what for but I knew that I was special and wanted to entertain the masses. Growing up I would always watch my mom go to her modeling rehearsals, acting auditions, and shoots. One of the few things that stuck out to me when I was a little boy was when my mom brought me to one of her Toronto Raptors cheerleading games. Seeing my mom dancing and performing in front of thousands of people really inspired me to be something BIG, which birthed my LOVE for dance. Second is when my mom was chosen to walk Gianni Versace’s show before he got assassinated in 1997. She was the only black female to get chosen to walk the show. As she landed in Miami the tragic news of Gianni Versace getting shot by his lover Andrew Cunanan was all over the news, which resulted the show getting canceled. My mom still has the physical photos of her at the Versace mansion the day Gianni passed away with flowers and the blood still on the doorsteps. That is what birthed the LOVE of modeling, and also being able to go to her modeling runway rehearsals and watch her strut down the runway. (explains why I have a killer walk, LOL).
My love for makeup started when I would sit on the toilet and watch my mom do her makeup. I was so amazed to see her transform in front of my eyes. Fast forward to when I was 18 years old I was working at my job, and Sephora managers were walking by my store and came up to me and said, “we need more males working in Sephora and in the beauty industry in general how do you feel of working at Sephora?” I accepted their offer, and that is when I got to apply my love for beauty in my job. This is when Instagram, Youtube, beauty influencers, and trends were starting to REALLY get popular. That is when I got a LOVE for social media and wanted to be an influencer and I have not stopped since until my dream comes true. The influencers I look up to this day are Bretman Rock, Laura Lee, Manny MUA, Kim Kardashian, and Kylie Jenner just to name a few. I am grateful for Voyage ATL to notice me and give me a platform to tell my story. I hope my story inspires you to not give up, and what you ALWAYS loved as a kid is always your passion/talent that God has blessed you with. Mines are modeling, beauty, and dance. My mom always taught me to walk in MY truth, this is the reason why I am so confident and not ashamed to be a part of the LGBTQ+ community. My mom is my muse/inspiration.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
It has NEVER been a smooth road. My life is really bumpy with a lot of DEEP potholes that can pop a tire instantly. My first struggle is my mom not fully accepting me being gay. When I first started working at Sephora I would wear makeup to work, and she would HATE to see me with a full face of makeup on, she would yell “TAKE OFF THAT MAKEUP OFF RIGHT NOW YOU LOOK LIKE A CLOWN”. Every time I would start work I would sneak and do my makeup and run out the house so she does not see my fully glam face, and at the end of every shift I would wash my makeup off before going home. It was emotionally/mentally/physically draining on me because I just wanted to be loved for ALL of me.
Fast forward to NOW she has really opened up on understanding my lifestyle, have conversations, and really supporting me for being gay. It is not 100% better but I would say we’ve came a LONG way. Second struggle is me trying to be a successful influencer. I have been going at it for 10+ years and nothing has really popped off for me. I have not gotten a repost, brand deal, and only gotten invited to three events from a brand in the last 10+ years of trying. I believe my content is worthy enough for brands to work with me. What really bugs me is influencers that JUST start off already achieve everything I have been working towards in 1 year! It’s a big struggle in this industry when you are a person of color and gay. It really makes it difficult. Last, but not least, it has always been a financial struggle in my life. I am ALWAYS in bad debt, paying fines, my car breaking down every month, and not being able to afford life, my dreams, or just being able to enjoy the money that I work for which is a HUGE obstacle in my life because there is so much things that I would love to do with my money to get closer to my dreams, but me having to pay for all these unnecessary things really puts a hinder in what I am trying to accomplish, Everyday I ask God for a financial breakthrough.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I am a model, fashion, beauty, and lifestyle content creator. I am known for my confidence, bad bitchery, mini music videos, and witty captions I post on my Instagram feed (follow me @payminkash_). I specialize in marketing and selling any product I am posting about, which can be a beauty product, clothes, an everyday item, or even selling myself. I am most proud of seeing myself evolve. I love seeing how much I have grown from when I first started posting content on Instagram until NOW. I am so proud of everything I have learned so far about my craft, and most importantly myself, and I still have so much to learn. What sets me apart from others is MY story, and what got me where I am today. Everyone has a different story/path which gives them that unique superpower in any work that they are in. Also, we can all being doing the same exact thing, but no one can do it the way I do it because we all have that individual swag/touch/way of doing things which explains the meaning of “signature touch”. Last but not least I also work at Sunglass Hut, and a Brand Expert for Charlotte Tilbury.
What would you say have been one of the most important lessons you’ve learned?
The most important thing I’ve learned along my journey is to not compare myself to other people because you do not know how that person got to where they are. Instagram is just a highlight/curated version of someone’s life. It does not show there struggles/obstacles that they go through on a day-to-day basis. I would compare my life to theirs and be like, “How can they go on that vacation, drive fancy cars, or accomplish things before me/at a young age. I also learned to have patience. What is for you is for you, no one can’t take it from you. Everything works out in god’s timing. Everything happens for a reason in this life, all you have to do is “Trust your Struggle”.
Contact Info:
- Website: kashbeautybarco.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paymeinkash_/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kash-agbeyaka-7521aa132/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/paymeinkashx
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/k4shmon3y
- Other: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMNdoEq1A/
Image Credits
Dante Celentano.