Today we’d like to introduce you to Kelsey Wittman.
Hi Kelsey, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
Like many young adults, I didn’t know what I wanted to do upon graduating college. And I mean, yeah, two BFAs from SCAD look great on a resume, but what did I actually want to *do*? For years I drifted from job to job; a year here, six months there, but there was never that ‘Aha!’ moment.
In late 2019, a good friend of mine pulled me on a short film job, and it gave me the creative juice that I thought was lacking. AHA! Not even two weeks later, I was walking onto a 21 Savage music video set to work with Major Art Department and was hired on the spot. From there, I was able to gain the experience I needed to be in film full-time and ultimately quit my stagnant 9-5 job.
The past few years have been a whirlwind of tight schedules, even tighter budgets, and tons of problem-solving. But not only have I found where my talents can flourish, I’m inspired and take pride in my work again.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
I have worked on a lot of shoots using water. And let me tell you, be aware. There’s been instances where there wasn’t enough water and others where it was busting out of the seams. As much planning and preparation you have, there are always factors that throw a wrench in your process.
They say “when you love what you do, you never work a day in your life”, right? WRONG. Those wise words did not come from someone working in film. The hours are grueling, and it’s a lot of heavy lifting, figuratively and literally. But with that, you really do find strength in parts of yourself that you never knew you had. You get pushed to your limit, then pushed a little more. But hey, that creates growth right? And getting through the storm makes the finished product that much more sweet.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I’ve been drawn to special effects from the jump, which on large productions is its own department. But a lot of the projects I’ve worked on have allowed me to experiment with SFX. Earlier this year I production designed a friend’s shorts and made fake brains. I poured chocolate sauce all over a famous music artist on a different job. Got a fog machine? I’m your girl. It’s all about creating the experience.
I like to pride myself in being a chameleon of sorts. Production Designer on this job and set dressing on the next. Nothing is below me and I’m always eager to learn and work with different teams.
Can you share something surprising about yourself?
Honestly, I’m an open book. There’s probably people that know a little *too* much about me. I’m a huge advocate for “no stupid questions”, and I’m always happy to share my experience and expertise.
Contact Info:
- Website: KelseyWittman.com
- Instagram: @bigmamakels