Today we’d like to introduce you to Laura Janelle Downey.
Hi Laura Janelle, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
My dad ‘discovered’ me. He says as a little girl, I came home from school one day and let him read a short story I wrote in class. He said it was at that moment he knew I was gifted. Fast forward to high school, where I was on the newspaper staff and then became the editor of my high school yearbook. My first job out of graduate school (I got my first master’s in Journalism) was as a reporter at PEOPLE magazine in New York City. From there, I went on to work for other media giants like Forbes Travel Guide, Modern Luxury Corporation, and now, WebMD.
There are gifts inside each of us. You have to stay committed to who you are in an effort to utilize your gifts to the best of your ability. Lean into your strengths. But just know that others might not always believe in you. So when they don’t cheer you on, you should be your own best cheerleader. And when you’re down and out, don’t wait for someone else to pull you up—pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. Have faith. When you hit rock bottom, look up.
I got where I am today thanks to my support system. I must give my parents, Ursula and Charles, and my sister, Dawn, credit for supporting me as I continued to discover my gifts. Whenever I’ve wanted to fly high, they’ve always said, ‘Where to next, Laura?’ It’s like I’ll say, ‘I want to pursue X.’ And then, there they are getting me ready (whether that is praying for me or giving me a pep talk) for my next adventure. Some of my closest friends also serve as sounding boards. But when it’s all said and done, everything that I am, including my gifts, is from the Lord. He directs my path. Without Him, I am nothing.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
My career journey hasn’t always been a smooth road. Years ago when I was an intern, someone on staff refused to teach me how to put content on the Internet. I wasn’t sure why this person wasn’t returning my emails. So one day, I walked over to her desk and asked her if she had a minute to show me the ropes. She said to me that she knows I am going to go get a master’s degree and I will be able to do her job after I graduate so she is not going to teach me because she needs to keep her job. I was in shock. After she said that, I walked away from her cubicle. I told my supervisor what happened and she told me she would give me another task. I learned a valuable lesson that day. Not everyone wants to see you succeed.
There was another instance where I was offered a promotion and asked to relocate. I was told I would receive a salary increase after three to four months of being in my new position. When four months had come and gone, I circled back on the promise made. I was then told there were no additional funds to be able to give me the salary increase. It felt like a bait-and-switch. But I knew my worth and I believed in myself. Within a month, I was offered my first managing editor role at another company in the same city. To me, your word is your bond. If you break that, the respect is gone. Integrity is everything. Like Maya Angelou once said, ‘When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.’
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I am the executive editor of WebMD Magazine and its point-of-care products, which are condition-based print guides, workbooks, and posters you might see in doctors’ offices. In addition, I serve as the company’s lifestyle features consumer team lead on the digital side.
I consider myself a jack-of-all-trades. I’m a master at multitasking. I can work on 30 projects in one week, manage a team, read books and write papers for class (I’m currently working on a second master’s degree in Ministry), coordinate details as events chair for the Society of Professional Journalists Georgia Pro Chapter, play small forward as the only woman in a weekly men’s basketball league, and so much more.
People call me eagle eyes because I tend to catch mistakes other editors don’t. I am also known for my strong work ethic and for seeing people as human beings. I find satisfaction in setting the stage for people to be their authentic selves when they are around me. They don’t have to put on a facade. My caring disposition helps them feel comfortable. I attribute this to having a ministry of presence.
I am most proud of how far I’ve come in this industry as a Black and West Indian woman from the Bronx. Nothing was ever handed to me. I’ve always had to create my own opportunities. And for that, I’m appreciative because I have fight in me. I get my fighting spirit from my mom. She’s taught me to go after what I want, even if all odds are against me.
What sets me apart from others is my passion. I’m always all in! I don’t half-step anything—well, except when it comes to doing burpees at the gym! Ha! But outside of that, I am bringing 110% to any table I have a seat at. And if there is no seat for me, I will gladly bring my own.
Is there a quality that you most attribute to your success?
The quality that has been most important to my success is my drive. Drive is the determination to succeed and to not give up. I knew I always wanted to be a magazine editor. I began to train myself early in my career because I did not have a mentor. (Recently, I started a mentorship pilot program with a colleague at WebMD). I would go to the office early to get a jumpstart on the day. I would stay late to ensure the copy I was working on was the best it could be. I read articles produced by other journalists and I began to learn different styles of writing and editing. I’d stay up late researching so I could go to meetings prepared with unique story ideas. This drive to succeed has always been innate. It pushed and continues to push me to excel beyond the average person.
Another characteristic that is most important to my success (and is a close second!) would be excellence. In everything I do, I strive for excellence. This can be seen in the details—from editing a story to creating a catchy headline. A former supervisor once said, “Laura, I need you to lower your standards. No one here can meet them.” That’s when I remembered what Steve Jobs said: “Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.”
Contact Info:
- Instagram: @Laurakadowney
- Linkedin:
Image Credits
Nisha Lagana took these photos: 45th Birthday, Gala, LauraJDowney_WebMDBioPhoto (1) Screenshots: WW_BrandModel_20222023, MeMomDawn, FamilyPhoto_Young, LittleLaura Emily Forro took the photo of me moderating an event: Moderator Lawrence Moore took the photo of me and my dad after my basketball game: DadMeBasketball Remaining images were taken by staff at various restaurants, a stranger in Piedmont Park: MeDawn, FamilyPhoto, FirstPeachtreeRoadRace