Today we’d like to introduce you to Nigel Perkins.
Hi Nigel, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Well, it all started on the Westside of Atlanta GA. BACK in the 90’s in the projects of Bankhead Courts and The High School of Harper-Archer. This is where I began to grow into this thing called LIFE as a singer. I was introduced to the music scene by my biological Father, whom I met at the age of 15. He saw that my life wasn’t headed down the right path. So he said that I should meet his youngest brother, who goes by the name Skitzo. He told me that he was a rapper out of the hood that I grew up in, again (Bankhead Courts) is the place. With that being said we met and everything started to move and a good direction I was singing on hooks meeting other rappers and meeting more people in the industry. Now as the years began to progress, I wanted to venture off and do things on my own read my wings as they may say. So that’s what I did I started my own label independently had a couple of artists under me as well. Fast forward I lost my mother when I was 17, who lost her life tragically and sadly she was found dead in a Marta Station restroom with a gunshot wound to the Head.
At this point, it took me to a whole another place where I did not want to touch music again because I felt like I wasn’t there to tell her not to leave out that door. Wait let me fix that, by saying ask her not to leave out that door. Now that didn’t last long because I could hear her voice, telling me. If you are going to do it give it all you got and don’t stop Nigel! Those were words she spoke to me one night in the kitchen and it plays over and over and over time I think about quitting. Well, a few years later I had a blessing come into my life, which was my firstborn son and he was a big part of me getting back to music because I knew what gave me the strength to move forward which was the love also the passion I have for music and he loved music, especially as a baby.
Okay, let’s move a little more forward well things seemed to be going well until I was involved in a major accident where I was sent through the windshield head first and only my head trying to save my younger brother from going out of the window my face was cut up almost unrecognizable… I actually thought I wasn’t going to be able to sing or perform again but God said differently my voice was still intact the scars were healed, and I am now a single father of four children but also a few Awards under my bill, such as the presidential award from the White House for the workouts done throughout the community by sharing my gift from state to state. I have been nominated for almost 8 different Awards and brought home 5 from the year of 2020 to now. I was recently honored at the second annual AMG/ Southern Soul Life Awards ceremony as Soul Artist Of The Year. I have worked with some of the top artists and producers you can think of. Now with all being said that’s a lot more I can go on about but we’ll catch up on that another time. Thank you! Yours truly Nigel Perkins (The Soul Singer) aka Mr.GIH IT TO EM
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
It has not been a smooth road. Yes, there have been many obstacles along the way. I remember at one point I could not get anyone to listen to me as an artist, I couldn’t find the financial backing, which is very important in this business.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I am an award-winning artist entertainer singer and songwriter who has traveled the state to state performing at some of the major and small events for all occasions with some of the greats and legends in the game. With my style, I am unique and very versatile, which sets me apart from my peers.
We’d love to hear about any fond memories you have from when you were growing up?
My favorite childhood memory was being at my grandmother’s house with all my family under that one roof, waking up eating together, praying together, and playing together. That’s my childhood memory, and it all happened in a little apartment for Bankhead Courts.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/nigelperkins_iam?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nigel.perk?mibextid=ZbWKwL
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/@NigelPerkins?si=fK8p2VQ7zQtnmXBg