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Conversations with Pastor Dwight Buckner

Today we’d like to introduce you to Pastor Dwight Buckner.

Hi Pastor Buckner, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
Well, I was born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota I am a seventh generation pastor. I come from a very strong and proud legacy of preachers. My mother considered me to be a miracle baby because I was born premature, weighing 4 pounds. I stayed in the hospital for weeks in an incubator they would not allow my parents to take me home until I gained some more weight. At the age of 13 I was diagnosed with a kidney disease which I have lived with all my life and is progressiveness getting better. In high school, I had academic challenges and barely graduated from high school. I had a desire to go to college I applied at over 20 schools and only one excepted me Moirris Brown College in Atlanta.

In 2002, I moved to Atlanta and attended Morris Brown for almost 2 years until the school lost its accreditation. The school closed its doors and I was confused and thought Lord surely you did not bring me hear for nothing. “The Lord then spoke to me about attending bible college”, I knew God’s call was on my life so I reluctantly submitted and attending bible college thinking I would go for one semester and then quit. Well that never happened I attended all 4 years and graduated with a BA in leadership I then went on to Seminary in Cleveland, Tn and for another 4 years and graduated with a Master of Divinity.

A year later, I started a small bible study in my barbershop that I own and the bible study began to grow. I then formalized it into what is now the Generation of Hope Church in Decatur, Ga. I have now been the senior pastor for almost 9 years now. I have written 2 books Breaking the cycle of lust which deals with sexual addictions to sin and I have written my recent book 5 things every man needs which was released earlier this year.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It has not been a smooth road in ministry I have accepted the fact that my life is similar to David in the bible. I have been greatly overlooked and Highly underestimated most of my life. I was never the first pick growing up however, I always knew I had something rare inside of me. I have experienced Jealousy on all levels for whatever reason one of the worst things to witness is someone promoted over you knowing you have way more to offer. This is the story of my life I was never given fair opportunity or chances like others however, I took what I was never given and made it work such as David, he took a sling and a stone and got great victory.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I am the Senior Pastor of Generation of Hope Church Decatur, Ga I also own and operate a barbershop in Atlanta and I have had it for 11 years. I would be most known for counseling on the season 12 married at first sight I was invited on as a guest and God has opened up many doors since then. I think this is one of my proud moments and accomplishment in my life. The fact that God allowed the world to see me counsel and recite scripture on television.

We’d love to hear about any fond memories you have from when you were growing up?
One of my favorite childhood memories was when my father took us all to Disney world it was my first time on a plane, we had so much fun and the memories are priceless.

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