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Conversations with Shakina Garnes

Today we’d like to introduce you to Shakina Garnes.

Shakina Garnes

Hi Shakina, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
My name is Shakina, but family and close friends know me as Kina. A little bit about me; I guess if I had to describe myself in 3 words, I would say driven, passionate, and fun! Driven, because anything I put my mind to I get done. It’s one of the things my friends tell me most. I wear many hats, and Im told I wear them well. Currently  I am a FT Media Sales Exec at Fox and business owner of my PT DJ business DJ Kina Keen under Kina Keen Enterprises LLC. I love bringing people together with good energy and fun environment. Music and dance is a universal language that DJing connected so I went with it.

My friends would jokingly call me “Kina the builder” as i’m always making something or starting a new project …again this Brooklyn girl wears many hats.

Born and raised in Brooklyn NY…the oldest of 7. I come from a fairly big immediate family on both sides. Grew up in Brownsville!(Emphasize) There was a time where I was selective telling people where exactly I was from but as I got older I realized it all represents pages from MY perfect story so I embraced it. It shaped me. There’s a saying “Brownsville never ran never will!!” I took that saying in a different context, as I never ran from challenges. I take them on until I conquer them. One of my biggest challenges was when I lost my mother at 18.18 is a time where a young woman needs her mom for her guidance and direction as a young woman entering adulthood. My dad and I were still figuring out “adult Kina” while being aware of everyone else’s emotions as well; Trust, I’ve seen a lot of people halt and crumble, but ironically, for me, all of these things made me hungry. Somehow, I still made it to College, Publish a book of Poetry, moved out on my own… I just wanted more. I wanted to see the world outside of project buildings. I wanted to be an example to my siblings to see someone they knew living a different lifestyle; live the life my Mothers life was cut too short to experience and live the college life I saw in shows/movies like  “A different World” & “Drumline,” although my experience was nothing like that lol. But through challenges and growing pains, I made something of myself.

Being the oldest child, I was always in the position to be an example and to figure it out on my own so I gravitated towards DJing as a hobby. It allowed me to bring people together, listen to good music and be apart of moments. I thought, my family is  big enough and I wanted something to contribute. In doing so, I learned a skill that gave people life and an opportunity to escape hard-times and obstacles. DJing became my outlet.

We all face challenges, but looking back, would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Yes and No. My challenges were emotions and self doubt. Loosing my Mom made me a workaholic so I did not always give myself time to feel. Same thing happened when I decided to DJ. I kept it to myself for a little because I thought that friends and family would say, “O boy, what is Kina getting into now?”

At that time people knew me as a poet who self-published a book of poetry- Dawn, The Awakening of Words, a TV Sales Rep, a Guerrilla Marketing Ambassador, a DIYer, and someone who did hair. Again, I was wearing many hats and struggled believing in myself. But all in all I was doing too much.

I had the willpower to start and do all these things but struggled at times to confidently execute; I would compare myself to others, stress about family issues and I had some baaaad time management. Listen, when motivated I thought I could do it all then realized I couldn’t or became mentally paralyzed and did not know where to start. Eventually I was able to step back and chose DJing as my main hobby.

Half Panamanian, 25% African American, 25% Haitian means I am 100% black with a diverse culture, and learning a little of all types music within all of those demographics plus corporate America, I challenged myself to know and blend different types and styles of music. I would spend hours downloading and organizing music (it’s a lot okay!!)

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
Sure thing, booking DJ Kina Keen you are getting details, professionalism and my time. I want to know the story so I can make it come alive through music. I specialize in creative input, theme, professionalism, and blending music. I am also  proud of all the people I’ve met and opportunities I was exposed to while being in a full-time career in TV.

I would hear most would say you have to choose one to fully actualize but being a multiculticultural outside the lines kinda girl is what sets me apart. A partnership with Kina Keen  means I am fully invested in my client. I am not just here to play music; I am here to assist in what you need to have a great event and provide the peace & comfort that everything is covered and will run smoothly.

We’re always looking for the lessons that can be learned in any situation, including tragic ones like the Covid-19 crisis. Are there any lessons you’ve learned that you can share?
I have learned many and am still learning. Experiencing tragedy at a  young age it reminded me to live. Take vacations, love on your people while they are here and make the time whether its a phone call or just being in their presence. Good memories can last a lifetime and they are priceless. Take videos and pictures, save a funny voicemail. I became more aware of how I spend/invest money, sharpen my skills and create multiple streams of income while also saving.

Covid made me focus more on my health both mentally and physically because YOU are also the most important character in your book, besides God of course as he gave you life. Remember tomorrow is not promised.

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Image Credits

DJ Kina Keen, Prentice Photography, and @Prenticefotoz

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