Today we’d like to introduce you to Zero.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
Wassgood! I’m Zero, an artist/fashion designer based in ATL! I dove into art my senior year of high school at the time, I was homeless and had a lot of time on my hands, so I always found myself sketching. Taking it serious never really crossed my mind until I showed my friends and they all told me to try and paint. This is when I found my inspiration Jean-Michel Basquiat.
He’s been my only inspiration in art to this day. My friends showed me a music video that showcased some of his work. And it was all up from there. SHOUTOUT ZONEYGANG, my friends, were also the ones who got me to mess with clothes and just kinda transfer my art and style onto clothing. So without them I really wouldn’t have made these jumps or took certain risks just to make art. I’ve gotten to where I am through consistency and persistence in specific areas, always creating, reading, studying people and eras within time that interest me, and just kinda going for it. I don’t really take time to think if I want to make something come to life or not. If it crosses my mind, I just do it. SHOUTOUT GRPHIX he’s played a big part in making a lot of this vision come to life.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
The journey up until right now was everything but smooth. Senior year my parents just kinda threw me to the wolves, so I was homeless for close to a semester. From there it was couch hopping with different friends, lots of days hungry, etc. Lots of mental downs, and Few ups. Major self doubt.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I’m a painter/fashion designer/model, what sets me apart from others is that I’m me and I don’t have standards engraved in my brain that I try to meet to satisfy those who end up getting in touch with me or end up viewing my work. I’m bold with actions and plans that have to do with my path. My face tattoos can speak for that, I got them to plant myself within this dream. and to place myself in the worst position in the eyes of society while chasing it. I wouldn’t say I specialize in anything, but I’m never afraid to dive in and try something. I’m proud that I’m still chasing the same vision around the same people I’ve been around since it started. my advice to you is do what you want too.
What was your favorite childhood memory?
Definitely the Skatepark in Soldotna, AK, it was always the vibes!
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Image Credits
Photographers: Instagram GRIMM (@grimxxs) VIDI (@vidiinthecity)