Today we’d like to introduce you to Cierra Simmons.
Hi Cierra, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
I started my interest in being an entrepreneur at the young age of 15. “Sea” had become a well-known nickname for me since young and I wanted to correlate that somehow and I thought about the movie “Ariel” and, I came up with “RoyalSeaBeauty” in my mom’s room by myself lol. My mom has been an entrepreneur her whole life and was even a signed rapper at one point so wacthing her move freely and be her own boss always motivated me. I used to look at Pinterest pictures of like Jayda Wayda and watching Aaliyah Jay on youtube; it pretty much solidified in my mind that it’s not impossible. I can say on my first couple of years I didn’t realize how much hard work it took and just how much I didn’t know. Just me being willing to learn more and be honest with myself about what I was missing business-wise let me know that okay I really want this. First thing I did was sell lashes and edge control; then I got certified as a lash tech (TheRSMinks), sold lashes and had clientele, splitting into two businesses. Now, I’m back focused on “RoyalSeaBeauty” with an entire rebrand.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
No, it hasn’t been smooth and I’m not afraid to admit that. I took many breaks being a student not knowing how to juggle a business from scratch, a job, and school. My job or any job I had for that matter, funded my business and marketing needs. Though I never liked working so, I would be cutting off my own funding or just simply needed to work on school as a whole. My marketing skills were not good, I didn’t know much about packaging or taxing, or even paying for and making a website. I even got depressed sometimes because all I wanted was to have my big moment for my business but the fact that I’m still going lets me know that I’ve learned my lesson of patience, I have to do it right.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I’m a Club Host, Micro-Influencer, and Business owner. I’m also a 1x certified lash tech for a year, I’m most known for being me and being the girl who “does everything”. I’ll soon be a real estate investment broker and airbnb host, I’m definitely out to master everything it’s in my blood. I’m most proud of me. It’s a bit cliche but I have been through a lot in my early 18 years of life but I love that I always manage to pick myself up and keep going. I know that what’s meant for me will remain and my business and supporters have never went anywhere even through my ups and downs. I feel like it’s make me stronger so that I can have my big moment with my business.
The crisis has affected us all in different ways. How has it affected you and any important lessons or epiphanies you can share with us?
I did an entire 360 through COVID so, I would say I learned a lot. That’s when I went through the most back and forth and questioning about my business and what I wanted to do with my life as far as my occupation. One of the main things I learned is that your audience should never be people you know because you’ll never get anywhere with your business. It’s the strangers that connect with you and support you without ever seeing you. I always depended on those around me to make my items sell out, and that’s when I realized I need to work on my marketing because my audience is not the ones I know.
Contact Info:
- Website: royalseabeauty.myshopify.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/poloseaa/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvvErYVSW0bcqHMcUjAaioQ
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