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Daily Inspiration: Meet Coax Marie

Today we’d like to introduce you to Coax Marie.

Hi Coax, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
I create affirmation music that reprograms the subconscious mind to manifest whatever you desire to accomplish.

The beginning:
The way I came about this genre of music was a result of the painful lows and journey of becoming an entrepreneur. Leaving my Broadway career to become an independent artist in 2017, I was led me down the road of personal and energetic development in search of anything to ease the anxiety of expanding into new territories.

Health problems —> manifestation solutions:
After witnessing my father suffer a major stroke that same year which resulted in him living in a hospital for the past six years, I was desperate to find something that could help him heal– and that’s when I learned that the brain can re-code itself through a process called neuro-plasticity.

My own personal rude awakening came two years later when I woke up at 4am to get ready for work before finding a lump in my armpit. The first thought I had was “I will die and no one will know what I was capable of.” I started writing down affirmations and pinned them all over my walls to ease the anxiety, but they just weren’t hitting like I needed them to– that’s when I decided to sing them and I started listening to them every day. I posted the first one to social media and I wasn’t prepared for the response that came next.

I’ve come to learn from the hundreds of messages I’ve received since releasing music that many people live with this same fear– of not reaching their full potential. I created affirmation music to help me deeply re-code my mind in an effortless way, but I didn’t realize that it would help people manifest careers, podcasts, leave abusive relationships, and keep them from taking their own lives. What started out as something to simply give me more strength and confidence has been able to touch the lives of thousands of people and this is just the beginning. Today I host Jam + Journal concerts all over the country and online, growing a community of Re-Coders who are ready to step into their next level self and affirm their right to exist authentically.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Before using the affirmation music, I was deeply depressed, confused, and forgetful of my power. I lived in constant creative dissonance — feeling confident one minute and questioning everything the next. When living in this state, it’s hard to get anything done to make significant progress toward my goals. So I lived a stagnant existence as a result, constantly filled with thoughts of “I should’ve been further” or “I’m messing up everything”.

Blaming myself and bashing my efforts were a consistent habits that I formed which led to problems like social anxiety and self-sabotage. I truly felt that I had an invader in my head. It actually wasn’t until I started to embrace the affirmation as a tool for expansion that I was finally able to look at myself in the mirror without cringing. Not only did I no longer cringe, but I started to look in the mirror and love what I saw.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I’m not just some singer who makes songs that repeat words. There’s a scientific basis for all of my music– from the words I choose to repeat and the beats I use. They’re designed to re-wire the brain to succeed. Being a certified life coach, I study the brain’s ability to mold and change its coding from focusing on fear to focusing on love and capability. Before using the music myself I was a paranoid, depressed, and scared human being– after the music I’m confident, empowered, and I honestly feel creatively unstoppable. This is what the music does, and it it does it all with the press of play. I don’t have to do strenuous work to remember my power. My proudest re-code is how I’ve changed the patterns of brain around posting on social media. So many people want to use these platforms but are deathly afraid of rejection and public shame. My work helps them get to the heart of the block to transform their energy and activate their most unstoppable selves.

I’ve been able to manifest my dream apartment, move across the country, helping thousands of people, grew my monthly Spotify listeners to over 21.5K, and am now earning my main form of income through my art– and if it wasn’t for this music, none of it would be possible. This is a mind movement.

Risk taking is a topic that people have widely differing views on – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
Risk to me is stepping into the unknown. It’s standing on the side of a skyscraper, seeing what you want on the other building, and stepping off the ledge because something in you knows you’ll never touch the ground.

It’s like crossing a busy highway with JUST enough time to make it to the other side.

When I take “risks”, I always focus on the other side of the road.

There are times when I look at the traffic coming and ask “Will I make it?”, but then I remind myself that if I didn’t think I would make it across the street…

I would’ve never stepped off the sidewalk.

When I take what feels like a risk, it’s because I know the RESULT of that risk will lead to what I truly want.

I left my 6-figure Broadway career based on a hunch, a feeling. I got a $9/hour job mopping basement floors all based on taking a risk.

It takes vision to be willing to take risks because sometimes the unspoken fear that lives in the definition is actualized when failure does come. I’ve paid thousands of dollars for coaches that didn’t help me, but I knew I would always be replenished. Taking risks is a response of “yes, I hear you” to the universe.

Risks are roadmaps, and I’ll never stop taking them.

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