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Daily Inspiration: Meet Cymphani Cyrine

Today we’d like to introduce you to Cymphani Cyrine.

Hi Cymphani, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
I started out in 2008 in college making my dreams of producing music a reality. I was taking courses for the Music Technology program at Southwestern Illinois College aka SWIC. At this school, I was introduced to Fruity Loops by a classmate and things took off from there. I was producing beats and I decided I wanted to build a website to promote my beats and that lead into building an entire platform and Social Network called CC’s world. I used CC’s World to promote myself and other local artists and their music on the website until about 2010, when I moved to Atlanta. I decided to produce my first Instrumental Album. It was in Atlanta going through the process of producing my album where I started learning the business aspect of Music. I was one of the first Independent Music Producers to distribute Instrumental Albums on streaming Platforms. This was in 2012. I focused solely on producing instrumental albums.

In 2014 I was living in Colorado Springs, CO. I started college at College America for Graphic Design. It was at College America where I started to meet like-minded individuals that would help me grow my Music Production Dreams and it was when I attended College America when my career started flourishing. I started working with local promoters in the Music scene and helping them put on their events and by doing that, I met many other independent artists in the community. Not long after that, I got wind of a very talented Artist named Fayro. I saw his link get shared on Facebook and after listening to the song, I was blown away so I reached out and shortly after we begin working together. I later became his producer.

While attending College America Fayro and I did a lot of work together and I found out that he was going through the process of trying to get his Music to digital platforms. I decided to help him with the process since I had already achieved that goal with my first album. Throughout assisting him with the process and getting his music online, we had been working on mixtapes and promoting those mixtapes. I started learning even more about the Music Business and Fayro and I grew even more together and other artists started to catch wind of our work together.

When I graduated in 2015 from College America, I started my company Cymphani Music Productions. I decided to build a Music Production Company that would provide beats and I would sponsor events, competitions and award shows a free beat for artists who won competitions or awards.

In 2017, my Music Production dream had been realized through Producer Nominations and lots of music being released. Artists were starting to come to me for advice seeing the success Fayro and I had reached on our own. My company Cymphani Music Productions started to expand into education in Music Business. I started teaching artists how to get royalties for their music. I also added Music Promotion Campaigns.

In 2018 I wanted to build another platform for Indie Artist and I created Indy Artist Connect. Indy Artist connect is a platform that writes blogs and Music Reviews on Musicians all over the world. This led into My Talkshow 901 Indy Underground a talk show where artist were interviewed and other Music Videos were also featured on the platform. (901 Indy Underground can be watched on YouTube)

Today I have released many Instrumental Albums and produced a lot of music with Fayro and other indie artists. I continue my dream of being a music Producer and Bringing Indie Music to the light. I write a blog called Cymphani Speaks and artists can learn for free how to make money as an Independent Artist as well as other Indie Musicians advice.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
The road to where I am has been very challenging. In the beginning, all I was doing was learning and having fun. The biggest surprise to me was witnessing hate and jealousy. Before I became active in the Music Community, I didn’t really know what Jealousy looked like. My whole life when people treated me badly for no reason, I felt like it was something with me. Being involved in Music taught me that a lot of haters come with it and they will do whatever they have to, to tarnish your name and reputation if they want to ruin you. Being new in the community several times and having others in constant competition and who just don’t like me just because they feel I’m better was a mental toll on me. It made me question myself because I didn’t know why people were treating me certain ways. My goal in all is to help and bring people together. If I don’t know something, I ask and I don’t mind when others ask me things. It’s when people try and use me or be fake with me for information. I believe that was a huge struggle for me up until this year. I decided not to let that get to me and continued to walk my path with my head high.

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I am a Music Producer by title but along with my Music Production Services, I also offer Music Marketing, Music Consultations and I write a blog on the subject. The whole purpose of this is to help Indie artists be recognized. I’ve become more known for helping artists than my music production and I’m ok with that. I’ve very proud of helping artists better understand the Business of Music and helping them turn their passion into a career. When artists come to me happy because they got their first payout from music, it excites me.

I feel what most sets me apart from others is my passion and that I care. There are many people that approach artists saying that they want to help but they really just want a check. I try to be as hands on as possible when I work with any artist. Even if an artist just comes to me for a beat, I still try to provide them with as much information as I can so they can be successful when they release the song.

What quality or characteristic do you feel is most important to your success?
Being an effective communicator. Having a student mindset
Being Open
Being able to Lead
Being Understanding


  • Music Productions 100 and Up
  • Consultations 100 and Up
  • Music Business Services 75 and Up
  • Marketing and Promotion Services 50o and Up

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