Today we’d like to introduce you to Kam Ballard.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
b.c.e. was initially started by our kids in 2016. They hand made and sold candles under their company name of Brat Candles & Essentials. When I was searching for avenues to pay for college, in 2019, I immediately went back to their idea. But, instead of hand making the candles, I outsourced them to a manufacturer. I obtained my vendors license to make candles and other trinkets for organizations within the Divine 9. This was successful, but, that November God gave me the vision/dream of shoes. I ignored it for months, but, it became reoccurring. So in April of 2020, during the pandemic, I stepped out on faith, shortened the company name to b.c.e. added Custom Shoes to became an official shoe store. I purposely keep b.c.e. lower case as homage to my kids. They are my Why.
I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
The journey of entrepreneurship started out very rough and still has its days. I am constantly learning something new everyday. My background is in Public Policy and Administration. Aside from b.c.e, I have a full-time job. Over the past four years, I have been obtaining an on-the-job MBA. I have had to learn importing/exporting goods, customs regulations, website design, accounting, shoe design, shipping and enhance my customer service skills. I could have easily hired individuals to handle the aforementioned. But, I am very competitive, love a good challenge and like to learn. Plus, I always remember the interview with Oprah Winfrey and Toni Braxton from 1998. Toni said that she learned from her bankruptcy to always sign her own checks. My interpretation of that conversation was you need to know your business inside and out.
Also, I wish that I could take all of the credit for making this journey look easy. But, I can’t. It is truly by the grace of God. In 2021, we had an online feature in Essence magazine. This led to several interviews and appearances. One was the Black News Channel. We have celebrities that are affiliated with Greek organizations who’ve purchased the shoes and advertised to others. The journey has been hard, whimsical, humbling and surreal.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I take immense pride in manufacturing quality shoes that represent my Sorority (Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.) and the other organizations/colleges. At the end of the day, these shoes are a representation of me. If I sell a cheap/subpar shoe it speaks to my standards. I keep my standards high. As the old saying goes, I always want to put my best foot forward.
Are there any books, apps, podcasts or blogs that help you do your best?
For my spiritual perspective, I watch Bishop T.D. Jakes. His words always seem to get me back in focus when I have doubt about this journey. His stature and teachings remind me of my father, Joe Edwards, who passed away in 2007. Listening to Bishop Jakes’ speak is almost like getting messages from my dad. No matter what was going on in my life my dad’s response was always the same, “You’re an Edwards! You got this! I didn’t raise a quitter! You got God right!! If so, he’s all you need. You don’t need or depend on nobody else-not even me-and I’m your daddy and you know I love you!” From Bishop Jakes sermons, I am reminded that I got this as long as I keep God first and involved in every aspect of this business.
For my business perspective, I watch podcasts by Vusi Thembekwayo. Watching him has changed my perspective of how to conduct myself in business. I am learning how to transition from an employee of b.c.e. to just the owner.
For my personal perspective, I journal my thoughts, goals and visions for my life. Seeing it on paper creates a challenge for me. Then, I dare myself to achieve it.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.bceshoes.com