Today we’d like to introduce you to Kia Henley.
Hi Kia, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
As a child, I’ve always been inspired by fashion and aesthetics and growing up in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands provided me with the space and opportunity to fall in love with beach life weekly and as such from the tender age of six, I’ve always wanted to ensure that my swimsuits were fashionable. Fast forward to 2020 during the pandemic, I visited St. Thomas for ten days and was intentional about enjoying beach life for 65% percent of my trip. Everyday I wore a different swimsuit to the beach and to my surprise, I received a myriad of compliments regarding the styles and colors of each selection. After posting my vacation pictures to my social media platforms, numerous inquiries filled my direct messages and the comments and likes were favorable regarding my vacation swimsuit selection. I thought to myself, Self, this may be the ideal time to become a Swimpreneur. I jotted a few ideas in my notes app, engaged in a conversation with my most favorite person, facilitated market research, developed a business plan and four months later, with the phenomenal support of my village, I launched my online swimsuit business, Kchanel Styles. KChanel styles is a trendsetting online swimsuit boutique offering beach and vacation connoisseurs a unique selection of swimsuits and resort styles.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Absolutely Not! Building a brand or a business for that matter has its fair share of obstacles. If I were to label one challenge during this journey, It would be Marketing/Branding… Although I wrote a business plan, conducted a market analysis, identified potential problems and solutions to assist in my understanding of this specific industry. Challenges are inevitable, even with awareness and strategic planning. I am consistently learning how to build my brand and engaging in professional learning sessions on marketing/ branding. As a result, I’ve come to the realization that the idea of marketing is more than a social media post or product content. It encompasses “thinking outside the box” and harnessing the opportunity to create something unique to set my brand apart from the competition which essentially is being a sunflower in a field of roses.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am a School Administrator by day and a Swimpreneur by night. I built my career in education “playing chess and not checkers.” Consciously seeing the big picture, adeptly anticipating several moves in advance, and always being proactive. I was able to rise quickly. Most importantly through my experience and passion, I help others rise too. I’m a fierce leader that possesses an insatiable desire to inspire and an undeniable grace to lead … I specialize in being a Director of Strategy. I ‘m known for being “Authentically Me.” I refrain from experiencing life in a metaphorical box, instead I attempt to create my own lane as a human being and as a leader who walks and experiences the journey by using my strengths, passion and dedication to achieve my goals. I am a visionary who is able to connect strategy, mission, and purpose to achieve results. A leader who breeds creativity, empowerment and innovation amongst followers. I live by the motto, “Be the leader you would follow.” I am most proud that I did not let my “Swimpreneur” aspirations and ideas die in my notes app as I am a firm believer that it’s never too late to start a new beginning. As a swimpreneur, I know the following to be true: Swimsuits can’t change the world, but the women who wear them can because women hold up half the sky.
Have you learned any interesting or important lessons due to the Covid-19 Crisis?
Most definitely, lessons that come to mind are inclusive of the following:
We have all shared a historic experience
Understanding how to demonstrate Compassion over Compliance.
Humans are adaptable: Personal contact and socialization play a bigger part in our lives that I ever understood.
Crises may floor us; but we can rise again.
Lastly, the Covid-19 pandemic provided me with time to pause and reorient myself regarding my plans for the future. The pandemic really made me reflect about what’s important to me and what I want my future to look like which prompted me to launch my online business – “KChanel Styles.”
Contact Info:
- Email: kchanelstylist@gmail.
com - Website: www.shopkchanel.com
- Instagram: @kchanelstyles
- Facebook: KChanel Styles